Ok. Meh have a kitty. His name is Grunt. His bladder keeps getting blocked, and if it gets blocked, he can't pee, and if he can't pee, he'll die. So, my mom took him to her work and did surgery on him, and he was all better. Then, the next day, he blocked again. My mom told me that in order to keep him from blocking, he needs a...SEX CHANGE! DUN DUN DUN!..Ok, seriously though. It is not really a sex change, all they did was cut off his wiener and they are gonna give him a girl opening. So, it is not really a sex change, he is just going to have a girl opening. Not a guy opening. It will help him pee easier. So, therefore, his new girl kitty name, and also the title of this journal entry, is Gruntiqua. He is going to be home tomorrow a changed man! Well....girl....man..thing....it...yeah.
P.S. He is also the crazy kitty in last chapter's brother. *nod*
Lillica · Fri May 06, 2005 @ 03:16am · 0 Comments |