k, i guess that ill tell ya y i wrote that poem, the main reason is, this chris guy and i where going out, everything was going great, until i spent the night at my friends house. and this wouldnt have done antthing with the story till what hapend next. her step brother asked me to meet him in his room to pray with him, and when i got in there and the dor was closed he jumped on me, i felt so helples, lonely, betrade....and i had to brake up cuz he told me that if i didnt watch it, it was gonna happen, so i need sum1 closer, cuz lives in mississippi, and im in indiana, so theres not much that he could do, to make things worse, this happend the week b4 our 7 month anni. and i wrote that for chris cing if he wants to go back out with me, and if not then i need to no and he needs to speak up for him self instead of just sitting there trying how to tell sum1 sumthin. well thats the most of the story bhind it, pm me if ya wanna talk about it, or just ta talk, thanks!