Guilds have been my main focus on Gaia ever since it was released.
No, not fishing, not items, not even the Art Arena. But Guilds.
I haven't joined too many...let's see...
Asian Kung-Fu Alliance (was invited and joined for the hell of it) Anti-Nazi Guild (It WAS the Hangout until Xiph3r took over...I'm a mod) Anime Land (1/2 Guild Captain. Guid of Dooom! xp ) Official Dark Magician Dark Magician Girl ....Guild (Name has been changed so many times...I don't know what it's called anymore...I'm a dedicated mod/bodyguard of threads twisted ) Shangri La- Saiyuki Guild (o_. I didn't even know I was in this guild...) Knights of the Holy Order: A Guilty Gear Guild (They seem to hate me...) Daisuke Moriyama's Chrono Crusade Guild (Seems to be dead...) XTI Industries (In affiliation with Anti-Nazi Guild) XTI Industries (staff only) (dead staff room)
Aaaand that's the whole barrel. I delete spam. Yay me. I'm so special. heart stare
I can't do items. I just can't. I suck at selling items. I don't care how the item is sold as long as it's sold and I get the gold. I have enough items to make myself look good, but not rich. I've been on since 2003 and I've sold all of my expensive items. I swear they didn't look good on me. I thought.
Fishing... "F@%!NG FISH! WTF?!" Yeah...I'm not a fisher in life and not in my virtual life. Nuuu fishing.
Art Arena. I don't have an available scanner and I uh...need to borrow a copy of Adobe Photoshop 7.0.... *cough*
Whoooooo domokun
Zimmie · Mon May 09, 2005 @ 12:26am · 3 Comments |