About damned time!
After a hell of a lot of signing papers, meeting new interesting people, and seeing the school, a couple of months ago, I am finally an official student of the Art Institute of Tampa. I'm going for my Bachelor's Degree in Game Art and Design, and I hope to make an impression on the video game world, though I know that would be long from now. I'm so ******** excited, because technically, I'm the first in my entire family to get into college, and not only this, but it's a college that I'll 100% want to be a part of with every fiber in my being! I mean, doing game art and design is something that I've been wanting since I don't know how long ago. Just today I'd finished signing up with my financial aid, and scratching on my last pieces of paperwork my signature, I received my Student ID and my schedule, and I'm so glad it happened.
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