I changed my username yesterday.
Instead of Mythey7789, I'm now Mythey Maysonia.
I got tired of typing those dumb-tarded numbers over and over again every time I wanted to log in.
If you're having trouble with the pronunciation of my new last name, here's how I say it: 'May-SOH-knee-AH'
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Do you have the time...to listen to me whine?
Ideas, thoughts, failures, attempts, sad realizations, plans for world domination, and more!!
Mythey Maysonia
Community Member |
Quote one of my posts to get my attention.
I play Pokemon X!
Trainer Name: Mythey
Friend Code: 1392-5401-5626
Friend Safari Type: Electric
Safari Pokemon: Pikachu, Pachrisu, and Luxio
Click here to visit my Shop! - Everything Must Go!
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