Your arms and legs are chained tightly to a wall that reeks of death. In your mind you are slowly drowning in blood, the blood of the millions you have killed. Wild, insane screams ricochet through your mind. They never seem to stop. They seem as if those are the screams of everyone who has ever and will ever feel pain and fear. Choking now, at the bottom of the red sea that is your own mind, you are desperate to breathe. You start to rub the back of your hands against the wall you barely know is there. You try to make the blood flow, to drain it out of your body and free your mind. A small stream of this blood crawls down your raw hands but it isn't enough. Not nearly enough. Frenzied and mad you slam your head back into hard concrete. Your head swims and black dots circle in front of your eyes. It felt good, if only for a moment it made you forget. You slam your head back, harder this time, again and again. You want to feel that bliss that silences those wretched screams. Finally your skull gives way and that tainted blood pours out, streaking across the wall. Your mind, for the first time you can remember, falls quiet, and black replaces your insanity.
By the EmoCroissant Inc.
Community Member
its so freaking awesome!!!