So.... yeah...
Today started pretty slow... then Zoe came over.
We made rainbow shrinky dinks... >_> they're actually really fun to watch in the oven... but anyways... I sorta told her I had a crush on her... I knew she was taken... and she didn't have to really say anything since... well I got nervous and was like "! I KNOW BETTER THAN TO MESS WITH A TAKEN WOMAN DON"T WORRY!" x_x which is probably the best thing I could've said... and her not saying anything was probably the smartest thing she could've done too= No hurt feelings, or hopes too high...
*HEAD DESK* But now I'm all panicky...
Next time, I feel like telling someone I have a crush on them... I'm slamming myself in the wall hard enough to lose consciousness and maybe if I'm lucky I'll forget I had a crush in the first place.
Anyways, I feel really like... bad. Since I didn't have to tell her or anything... and it wasn't like romantic or anything.... but still I probably instilled confusion within her... x_x *SLAM SLAM SLAM*
In other news. A current invasion of leprechauns in New Finland, Wawausikio is not going so well. They refuse to leave without their charms of luck. And some cheaply created cereal... oh wait... and some fake marshmallows.
There's also a dance contest for Unicorns going to occur in 10 days, there's still time to sign up and plenty of openings are available. Don't hesitate, Most openings fill up fast. No horns, no hoofs, NO DANCE CONTEST.
Lastly, Children go on strike in the hardware stores all over. For this reason, "There's no juice in here" Now can we blame them? I mean, they do sell candy and jerky but no juice. What direction is the world going in? Heaven knows we have no chance.
:3 Tune in tomorrow for more fake reports. This is Tartar, Making sure you get your daily dose of Lies.
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