Ooo! Teams for the water ballon fight? Which should I join?
I don't want to join Barton... too common. Isle de Gambio is too... well, look at the way their spokesperson has worded things "like," "or something..." Attack of the island-preps? *eye roll*
It's between Durem, which is just /awesome/ because of the shop keepers being so unique... or Aekea, which has the super-hot Liam. *drools* Who is so... *faints*
But is he reason enough to join? He's just an NCP... @-@ The hottest NCP. *drools*
*snaps out of it* I don't know which of the two... any input from friends?
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Kelsie Swan's Ramblings. Mostly I store my avi art here. (:
I lessthanthree the AT
& I'm kinda back?
Please check this guy out!
He is doing wonderful & crazy things for a very good cause.
He's also tall, cute, and Irish.
I lessthanthree the AT
& I'm kinda back?
Please check this guy out!
He is doing wonderful & crazy things for a very good cause.
He's also tall, cute, and Irish.
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