This is a random little story I wrote for my French class because we had to write a paragraph for homework. I decided to type it up and keep it. XD I probably made a lot of mistakes, but oh well.
To all the French-speakers out there, I'm sorry if I mutilated your language. It was unintentional.
Il était une fois, il y avait un garçon qui s’appelait Andy. Un jour, Andy a décidé qu’il voulait un perroquet. Il s’est dit, « Si j’étais un pirate, j’aurais un perroquet. J’aime la mer et j’ai un navire. Je vais être un pirate. »
Il est nécessaire qu’un pirate ait du trésor, mais un ninja qui s’appelait Lucien a volé le trésor d’Andy. Lucien a dit, « Je doute que vous ayez choisi une bonne profession, Les ninjas sont meilleurs. »
Andy a crié, « Hélas ! Si je n’étais pas un pirate, j’aurais été un ninja. Mais il n’est pas trop tard ! Je deviendrai un ninja ! »
Mais Alphonse le perroquet a dit, « Tu avais déjà connu des ninjas quand tu as choisi être un pirate ! Tu ne peux pas deviens un ninja ! »
Ainsi Andy a pleuré parce qu’il ne pouvait pas devient un ninja et Lucien est parti avec son trésor.
La fin !
And the translated version for those of you who don't know French:
Once upon a time, there was a boy who was called Andy. One day, Andy decided that he wanted a parrot. He said himself, “If I were a pirate, I would have a parrot. I like the sea and I have a ship. I will be a pirate. ”
It is necessary that a pirate has treasure, but a ninja who was called Lucien stole the treasure of Andy. Lucien said, “I doubt that you chose a good profession; ninjas are better. ”
Andy shouted, “Alas! If I were not a pirate, I would have been a ninja. But it is not too late! I will become a ninja! ”
But Alphonse the parrot said, “You had already known about ninjas when you chose to be a pirate! You cannot become a ninja! ”
So Andy cried because he could not become a ninja and Lucien left with his treasure.
The End!
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