crying *(part 1)*

I'm just waking up from a nightmare........

It was how my village was was everywhere. People were running from their lifes.
"Seth?! Where are you?"
(i looked for him everywhere)
"Seth! grandma? mom? grandpa? where are you guys?"
Aura runs inside a burning hut
(All i could was smoke and cries from outside)
Covering her eyes she runs out......monsters were in front of her
"Ah!" ( i moved back and took out my staff)
monster-" you're village is helpless you weak fox demon"
aura-" weak am i?!"
Her eyes started to glow and smoke came around her. ( i used the art of transformtion #2) As the smoke cleared, Fox ears, sharp fangs, and black eyes was the transformtion she had......*along with the body dur*.
She smiled as she jumped up in the air and with a spell the demons were destory........
Then behind i saw a shadow, as soon as i turned around to see what made the shawdow it jamed its knee into my stomach and i felt two needles go in my arm like fangs.
I blacked out.

Next thing i knew .....i'm waking up on the high hill (near my village) I saw my village in flames.....and everything dead. I cried, and a gray/black wolf came up to me and gave me the saddest look and licked my cheek. I hugged him. the wolf turned into Seth. He hugged me tighty and close and cried along with me........our first lost.......when we lose.........we lose everything.

*(end of part 1)*