- Sometimes I want to say things/ask people things...but I know they sound offensive, and I don't say things for the sake of offending others, but I know that that's all they'd see...
Alright. That probably didn't make sense unless you're me. XP
The thing is...I'm on a "spiritual journey", for lack of a better phrase. It's not one I intend to end until I die, and even then... wink
But along the way, I feel it to be a personal responsibility to research and question all beliefs and ideas and religions, and see what works best for myself.
And the more I look into some of them, the more I want to say, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? WHO BUYS INTO THIS s**t?"
But I don't say that, because that's not respectful to those peoples' paths. But it also doesn't answer any questions for me, either.
Dammit. D: