Wes had a son on that ship. His son was named Westly and unlike Wes,Westly was not cursed by the bomb.He was cursed by the SKATEBOARD! When they got to their new planet"Earth 2" they opened a skate park and he went to the grand opening. when he got their he went to the bigest ramp first.(Dun Dun DUN) When he went on it he went Full speed!He went so fast he warped back in time when the Crateridvon(a VERY HOSTILE race)(Create-ter-id-vong)were there and they took him and tied him to s giant skateboard and lanched him into space never to be seen again.As luck would have it he lands on earth,but then he saw the transport of people going to new earth! you can figure out the rest from the last ch.
The End biggrin ninja
Ninja Man548 Community Member |