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Ep7 Old Faces But New Loves
Ep7 Old Faces But New Loves

Ibuki: Master Ryu aren't you tired?

RYU: .....

Ibuki: Master?

RYU: Your not gonna stop calling me master are you?

Ibuki: No... It's in my system.

RYU: Hmm. I really wonder about that.

Ibuki: Oh?

RYU: Never mind. Just stop calling me your master ok?

Ibuki: Mas... umm... Ryu?

RYU: Yes?

Ibuki: I saved you from Vice. So does this mines you owe me? After all i remeber you saying that you owe me your life.

RYU: Yeah... I did.

Ibuki: Then it's settled.

RYU: Hmm?

Ibuki: Your my master.


Ibuki: I saved you and owe me so you must keep your word.

RYU: But...

Ibuki: Hmm?

RYU: Hmm Never mind.

Ibuki: Good.

(Few Hours Later)

RYU: Ah Where almost there. We're on the North side of the city now.

Ibuki: I see.

RYU: It should'nt take more then a half an hour to get there.

Ibuki: .....

RYU: But first let's get something to eat.

Ibuki: Food...

RYU: Can you eat?

Ibuki: Yes i can eat... I need food to back up my enegry. Unlike most androids. I guess this makes me more human like i suppose.

RYU: Heh. I see. Well let's go find us a table.

Ibuki: Ok.

(*Sit's At A Table *)

Waitter: Can i get you something sir?

RYU: Yes. I'll have Noodles and Stake.

Waitter: Yes sir coming right away!

Ibuki: .....

RYU: Wait you forgot to take her order.

Waitter: But sir... She's an android.

Ibuki: Just Because i'm an android doesn't mean i can't eat. (*Get's up from table*)

RYU: Ibuki please sit back down.

Ibuki: Why should i?

RYU: Please?

Ibuki: Fine...

Waitter: I'm sorry miss. What can i get you?

Ibuki: I'll have what he's having.

Waitter: Ok.. Right away.

RYU: Ibuki... You don't like being call an android do you?

Ibuki: ......

RYU: Ibuki?

Ibuki: Master let's talk about something else.

RYU: I understand. Sorry.

Ibuki: Nothing to be sorry for. I'm a android Simple as that. Would you like it if i ask'd you if you didn't like being a human?

RYU: Ok I'm sorry let's talk about something else.

Waitter: Here you go enjoy your meal.

RYU: Thank you.

Ibuki: .....

RYU: What's wrong?

Ibuki: It's nothing.

RYU: Cmon you been up set since we came here now what's wrong?

Ibuki: .....

RYU: Ibuki... As your master.... I commade you tell me...

Ibuki: .....

RYU: Ibuki.

Ibuki: I dont want you to see me eat.

RYU: What? Is that all? Why not?

Ibuki: Because... I.. I.. I eat like a.. well let's just say what you humans call it. Like a pig.

RYU: That's all? Don't worry about that just eat.

Ibuki: Ok.

(Few Mintues Later)

RYU: (*Look's At Ibuki Oddly*)

Ibuki: Hmm?

RYU: Oh it's nothing (*smiles*)

Ibuki: Waitter another round of Noodles and Stake please.

RYU: ...... (*Think's To Self*) If she keep's this up i'll be broke...)

Ibuki: Master your not hungry?

RYU: No the first round did it for me.

Ibuki: Master eat you need to keep your strength up at all times.

RYU: No No. It's ok i'm full enough.

Ibuki: If you say so.

RYU: .....

Ibuki: Master where is the place were going?

RYU: Well Let's just say it's where you were born.

Ibuki: I see.

Waitter: Your bill sir.

RYU: Great.....

(*Few Few Minutes Later*)

RYU: We should closely be there.

Ibuki: .....

RYU: I hope they still live there.

Ibuki: Master i don't know about this.

RYU: Don't where they'll be happy to see you. And that your safe.

Ibuki: ......

(Another Side)

Ryoka: Mom. I'm worried about you and Mist.

Eve: Don't worry about us sweet heart.

Mist: Yeah just cause were almost in are fourty's dosn't mean were getting old.

Ryoka: I'm just worried about you guy's with D.R still a round.

Mist: Don't worry we can handle D.R. What they did to my babies they'll pay dearly.

Eve: Indeed.

Mist: Mass was a hard headed girl... But she was my little hard headed girl and i miss her dearly.

Ryoka: Antie Mist...

???: Don't worry Mist Will Stop D.R no matter what it takes. After all we did in the past so can do it again.

???: Yes. I'll fight beside you Mom and find Big Bro.

Eve: Don't worry your little heart out Ryoka. You lost your job and almost got killed. So i'm more worried about you.

Ryoka: I'm ok. And Zel is my room mate she'll handle the bills till i get back on my feet again.

Eve: You should be really glad to have a friend like Zel.

Ryoka: I'am Mom.

(*Knock knock*)

Mist: Some ones at the door.

Eve: At this hour?

Ryoka: Careful it could be D.R

???: I don't think they would knock on the door.

Ryoka: I'll get it and see.

(*Opens Door*)

Ryoka: It... It can't be?

RYU: Heh. Long time no see.

Ryoka: Ryu! (*Hug's*) I been so worried about you. Wondering where you been and every thing.

Ibuki: .....

RYU: Yeah Ryoka it's good to see you too.

Ryoka: Well don't just stand there silly come in.

RYU: Right.

Ryoka: Who's your friend?

RYU: Oh well this is Ibu...

Ibuki: It's not wise to give my name out.

Ryoka: Oh. Well It's nice to meet you how ever you are.

Ibuki: ......

Ryoka: She doesn't say much does she?

RYU: Hehe. I guess she has to get to know you first.

Ryoka: Well any friend of yours is a friend of mine!

Ibuki: ......

Ryoka: It's rare to see a Female android these days. Ok Wait here.


Mist: So who was at the door Ryoka?

Ryoka: Hehehe.

Mist: Ryoka?

Eve: Ryoka you still seem like a child sometimes. I really worry about that.

???: I'll be right back.

???: I'll go with you too. It could be a trap or something it's best that me and mom hide.


Ryoka: Hehehe. Everyone i like you to see some one you have'nt seen for quite a while.

Mist: Oh?

Ryoka: Ok come in.

RYU: Hello everyone.

Eve: Why if it isn't Ryoka's old boy friend.

RYU: Boy Friend?

Ryoka: Mom!

Eve: Well Ryu you are Ryoka's friend right?

RYU: Yeah.

Eve: And you're a boy right?

RYU: Yes.

Eve: Then he's your boy friend Ryoka. He's a friend and he's a boy.

Ryoka: Mom....

Mist: Well well it's good to see you Ryu. How long has it been?

RYU: Too long haha.

Ryoka: Ryu is your friend coming in to?

RYU: Yeah. Come in don't be shy.

Ibuki: Hello....

Eve: Oh my god...
Mist: It's Ibuki!

Ryoka: That's Ibuki?

Eve: My word when did you save her from D.R?

RYU: Well really she saved me.

Eve: She did? I see.

Mist: Ibuki.. (*Hug's*) I thought i would never you again my baby.

Ibuki: Master??

RYU: Hehe. She just happy to see you. After all she is your mother.

Ibuki: Mother... My Creater.

Eve: Well i did create you too so we're both your mothers.

Ryoka: Ahh! That's so cool! So that means we're sisters!

Ibuki: Sisters?

Eve: Hehe. Ryoka your really just a kid in a adults body aren't you? But.. Well i guess you can call her your sister.

Ibuki: But i'm an android and your human.

Mist: True. But you were made to be human like so your kinda both in a way.

Ibuki: (*Think's to self*)I dont feel human like.

Ryoka: This is so great we can have a sleep over at my place. We can do each others hair paint each others neels. Eat pop corn and have fun.

Eve: Ryoka... dear you lost your job and yet your not even worried about anything in the world.

Ryoka: Nope!

Eve: Hmm you must have gottin that from your father side of the familly. Hmmm. I had to marry and have you by a Ryuka (*Sigh*).

Ryoka: Hehehe.

Eve: Hmm i should have thought something when your father name your first name almost just like his last name.
I wanted to name you something like lexus Ryuka or Kassy Ryuka. But no he wanted you to be name Ryoka Ryuka.

Ryoka: I like Ryoka better anyway. Hehehe.

Eve: You would sweety. If he was still around i wouldn't know what to do with you two.

Ryoka: I think daddy did a fine job. Hehehe.

Mist: Hehe. Anyway Ryu there some people i think you would like you to see.

RYU: People i would like to see?

Mist: That's right. Ibuki come with me.

Ibuki: Master?

RYU: Ibuki it's alright go with her. She your mother you need to spin time with her to get to know her.

Mist: Yes he's right don't be shy honey.

Ibuki: Ok...

Ryoka: Hey i wanna see where she taking her let's go mom.

Eve: No Ryoka let Mist be alone with Ibuki.

Ryoka: You don't wanna see?

Eve: Ryoka... You're my little girl... Well your not little anymore but your still my little girl.

Ryoka: Huh?

Eve: (*Sigh*) Sweet heart... Mist lost her litte girl to D.R. So Ibuki is all she has.

Ryoka: But Mass is still alive.

RYU: (!)?

Eve: I know sweety but she isn't Mass anymore. You fought her and bearly made it back alive.

RYU: You fought Mass?

Ryoka: Yeah... But.

Eve: Ryoka she has no memory of who she is. If Mass remember you she would'nt have tried to kill you.

RYU: Hmm I wonder if Vice is Mass? Ryoka when you fought Mass did she give a name?

Ryoka: No she did'nt but i know Mass by heart so i know that was her.

RYU: She said that i killed her familly.

Eve: Most likely it was Mass. But D.Mithos most have remove her memory of who she was.

RYU: I see. I really hope Mithos and the others are ok...

Eve: Oh. So you met Mithos Huh? (*Think's to self*) Things are about to be more Hyped then they were before...

RYU: Did you say something Mrs Ryuka?

Eve: Oh No i didn't saying and you can call me by my first name dear. Ryuka was when i was married... (*Sigh*)

Ryoka: Mom?

Eve: It's nothing. Ryoka let go talk about your future. You need a job and bills can't pay the self you know.

Ryoka: But i wanna talk to Ryu.

Eve: Come now you can flrit with him later.

Ryoka: Mom! Grr.. Well i'll see you in a litte while Ryu.

RYU: Ok Ryoka see you.

Ryoka: See you.

(Few Sec's Later)

RYU: Hmm I'm alone been awhile since i been to my self.

???: It's not good to be alone dear.

RYU: Huh? It can't be? Mom?

Marino: Hehe. Well let me look at you i have'nt seen in 5 years.

RYU: (*Hug's*) Mom i didn't think i ever see you're face again.

Marino: Same here. Thanks to Mist and Eve they brought me back to this world. I fell for D.Mithos Trap before but this time i wont.

RYU: Mom. (*Smile*)

Marino: Theres someone that been wanting to see you for a long time. Who know she had a thing for you after i was gonna marry her father before he died.

RYU: You mean Taki!!!?

Taki: Hey long time no see big bro.

RYU: Umm Taki what are you doing here?

Taki: That's no way to talk to your little sis like that

Marino: I found her alone and lost. when i realized who she was. I was in shock. So i took her in Rasied and Trained her.
she was your step sister. Even tho i'm not her real mom i loved her and her father.

Taki: And you promise to marry me when you lost that bet!

RYU: Taki we were kid's and your in your teens still. I'm 18 years old now and your 15 i'm guessing.

Taki: So what's your point? I wanna have a big familly. And lots of kids Too! And it will be fun making them. Heheheh.

RYU: Ahh! You're my Step sister!

Taki: Yeah Step sister not real sister. You know you want me Ryu or should i say big brother.

RYU: Ahh!!! Mom do something!

Marino: She has a point Ryu. I'm worry about you being alone. And i want some grand children too. Hehehe.

Taki: See? Even she likes the idea. So let get to work on making them kids. After all You want mom to have grand children too don't ya?

RYU: Ahh!! SOME BODY HELP MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Taki: Hehehe. Hey get back here!

Marion: Hehe. Taki try not to hurt him to hard! Hehehe. It's good to see my son again (*Smile*)....

(Another side)

Mist: I need to check and see if everthing alright with you're systems it wont take long.

Ibuki: Ok.

Mist: I wanna see if D.R did anything to you your systems hopefully they haven't.

Ibuki: Mist...

Mist: Yes?

Ibuki: Can i ask you something?

Mist: Anything.

Ibuki: What is this feeling i have around Ryu?

Mist: A feeling?

Ibuki: It's like when i'm around him. My body get's all warm. And i feel safe when i'm around him...

Mist: I see. That would show why you call him master.

Ibuki: ?

Mist: It's simple really. You're in love with him or like him alot. One or the other.

Ibuki: Love? Like? Only Humans or Newmens know love.

Mist: Ibuki I made to be human like if you wanted to you could go do what human/newmen do.

Ibuki: I dont Really feel human like.

Mist: Ibuki you could go live life the way you want. I created you to do that. You could even go for someone you love and make a familly with the person.
Well if it's a male. If it's a female that's a diffrent story but if you wanna swing that way you have the free will to do so.

Ibuki: I can do that?

Mist: Yes you can.

Ibuki: But still i feel no more then an android. I even look like an android.

Mist: It might be hard for you to understand now but one day you will. Who know's maybe one day you might get you're wish.

Ibuki: I love Master Ryu.... Mist?

Mist: Yeah?

Ibuki: Can you please not say anything to Master Ryu about this?

Mist: I wont. Wow i can't believe my baby is already in love.

Ibuki (*Blush*) .......

Marino: Heh. Sorry i over heard.

Mist: It's no problem.

Marino: Ibuki?

Ibuki: You have the same D.N.A as master Ryu do.

Marino: Well that's be cause i'm Ryu's mother. I saw you taking care of Ryu in the Forest Dome Area.

Ibuki: (!)

Marino: Don't be afraid it's ok. I think you did a good job.

Ibuki: Th... Thank You.

Marino: Ibuki i need to ask you for a favor.

Ibuki: Yes what is it?

Marino: I died once before but thanks to your mother i was brought back to life. If anything happens to me i want you to take care of Ryu and Taki for me.

Ibuki: I c.. I can do that?

Mist: You have the free will its your choice.

Ibuki: Ok I will.

Marion: Good. Thank You. Later on i want you to copy my fighting style Just in case something do happen to me.

Ibuki: Understood...

Marino: Tomorrow i'm gonna train with Ryu and Taki you're welcome to join us if you like.

Ibuki: I would be greatful to join you and master Ryu.

Marino: Good see you tomorrow then good night you two.

(Later That Night)

Marino: Hmm soon i feel as something big is gonna happen. Very Soon. We all need to be ready. D.R is Close Very Close.
I need to do something with the Nova Stone I don't want D.R to use the power they once did again. But what do i do with it i have no need for it?
But for now i must keep it safe.

And So Marino is back and Ryu met his old friends too. But what about Mitho, Otaru, and Cyber X,?

Ep8 VICE, Who I'm I Really Dark Mithos? Tell Me!!!!

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jun 03, 2005 @ 01:31pm
Hmm I'm Starting think this is geting to girly now lol

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 03, 2005 @ 05:58pm
yea and hope my other char which is also a android girl, KOS MOS is in the next episode and shes searching for Mithos cuz shes in love with him and yet Mithos didnt know bout it.

GM LeonMagnus
Community Member
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