rip grampy i will forever cherish my memories of you. like the stairs when you wanted to hang upside down like me and lici, and got stuck that was funny. or the time you took me mini golfing on a school night, mom wasnt happy. abotu a week ago your kidnees and pancreas(sp) both shut down and stoped working i knew it wouldnt be long. the next day your liver stoped and your eyes iced over comleatly milky and your skin turned yellow. your were only taking 10 breath a minute when yavette had called last and then not even 10 minutes later as we left auntie monica's (remember her? you gave her away at her wedding we have that pic) and then we got the call saying you passed. the whole was home i quietly cryed in the front seat biting my lip to try to stop. im so mad because i would have been with you when you paased if only we had the money. i wish so badly i could have hugged you and told you that i love you. i miss you so much. it was 11 years that i hadnt seen you and now i wont see you untill i die. i know you are watching me and lici and mom as i type. i can feel your presense (sp). i wont cry again untill i lay down and realize this isnot a dream and that i have lost you. i hope now you are with your son and will continue to watch over us as he does. i love you and i will always love you. i miss you so much. please for now and forever rest in peace.
october 6th 2007 and will always be my day to mourn. i love you soooo much thank you for the memories and love you gave me as a child. i love you.