Digimon Chaos
Episode 3: The prophecy, the world’s destiny
A/N: Sheesh, I don’t believe it took up this long to start up the 3rd chapter. I have many art projects to start/finish on, and US Gov’t got some pretty wicked assignments. *chuckles* But other than feeling down in the dumps only a few hours ago, I just feel hungry. I need ramen now.
Disclaimer: No Digimon-making skillz here. That was Hongo-sama’s job. And may I say he’s doing a very fine job with it too. Yurimon was created by my girlfriend.
Warning: This series contains yuri, as in there is a big chance of two girls doing something people think are awfully… sinful. So if you’re one of those people that only annoy the crap outta me, then it’s best to press the back button. That’ll make us both happy.
“Off to see Susanoomon! The Mega Arena awaits!!”
“Nice of you to be on the positive side Yurimon-- I think we’re lost.”
Even though Donni did have a map, she was not well with directions that way. Back in the human world, you knew the place? She knew the directions on how to get there. Maps just cramped her style, so she didn’t bother much with them. Yurimon, on the other hand, was pretty sure they were headed in the right direction. And if not, they’ll know eventually they were going the wrong way.
“YES, YES!!” she yelled, pointing at a distance Greek-like arena. “That’s the place!!” Yurimon started charging towards the Mega Arena as Donni ran alongside the digimon. By the time they got there, however, the two were stopped by a red human-like Digimon. Long blonde hair and sheltered with red armour, he stood at the front of the door, staring down at the two.
Donni pointed towards the guy on her device as a clear image appeared. “Agnimon, the human spirit legendary warrior of flame.” it replied. “Main attack is Burning Salamander; Alternatives include Salamander Break and Fire Dart.”
“Oh.” Donni looked up at Agnimon and waved weakly. “Er uhh… hi. We’re here to see--”
“Do you have tickets?” Agnimon asked, holding out his hands. Donni turned to Yurimon as the girl shrugged, oblivious to what he was talking about. Agnimon sighed and rubbed his temple.
“So what exactly are you two here for?”
“Well, you see uhh…” Donni was lost. She looked down at the digivice and snapped her finger. “Oh yes, I remember-- I request to speak with Susanoomon.”
Agnimon took a hard look at Donni, then thought for a moment. “Sorry to be rude, but you wouldn’t happen to be a human, would you?”
A raised eyebrow in reply. “Aye. What of it?”
Agnimon cleared his throat and waved his hand towards the door. “Susanoomon has been waiting for the two of you.”
“Really…” Donni always had a paranoid thought that when someone said those words, or similar to it, it always meant attacks-- physically or sexually. For the first time, she made it an attempt to push that thought aside. She knew Susanoomon had an idea what this prophecy thing was about, and now it was time for the two of them to know. They would be saving the digital world, after all.
“All right! Thanks a lot, Mr. Agnimon!” Yurimon smiled, and ushered herself in. Donni hesitated for a moment and let herself in.
The arena was pretty dark and unwelcoming, which concerned Donni in many shapes and forms. However, the two kept moving as a faint light in what she thought was the center of the arena appeared, followed by a booming voice that forced Yurimon to shut her ears. “Mon-- Yuri. Man-- Donni. Please step forward.”
The tingle down Donni’s spine emerged as she followed the digimon’s directions. Yurimon sighed and stepped forward as well.
“You two have a clue to what you must do.” Susanoomon said, now becoming more visible to the digimon and human eye. “But it is your choice to make. You can save the digital world, or you can destroy it. Make a new world. But because of hope from all of us-- the ten legendary warriors-- we think it’s our duty to tell you how you can save the digital world, if it’s ever crossed your mind.”
“Go on.” Donni said, setting her hands on her hips.
“You must fight the Ultimate King Dragon, Alphamon.” he continued. “But to do that is a very difficult task. We believe that the bond between the digimon and the human can keep the digiworld safe. We have the up most faith in you.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it!” Yurimon smiled. “Not at all! The prophecy is never wrong, right?”
“Yes, I suppose…” Susanoomon replied after a bit of hesitation. “But there are two different prophecies for the digital world; hope or destruction. And as I said before, we think it is our duty to tell you how to save it.”
“So I see.” Donni said, taking a glance at her digivice. “But I would like to help as well; watching Yurimon fight isn’t exactly helping out.”
“But digivolution is.” Yurimon said, linking her arm to Donni’s. “I have become stronger, and I think that’s more than enough.”
“Wrong.” Susanoomon said sternly. Yurimon gulped and stepped back as the digimon continued. “Digivolving into a champion-leveled digimon isn’t going to help you save the digital world. If this never crossed your mind, mon, Alphamon is a mega-leveled digimon. I know how powerful you are at rookie stage, but even that won’t be enough.
“The prophecy also states you will receive other digivolutions.” Susanoomon persisted. “These heroes have also done their part in helping to keep the digital world safe. There are five elements in all; you already obtained the first, the digivolution of love. Obtained by Sora Takenouchi in the past, your next mission is to find the crest of love.
“The second state is the digi-armour of Sincerity. This was once used by Miyako Inoue. The third is one where man can also be in on the fight. This stage is called Biomerge Digivolution. Used by Ruki Makino, this digivolution will change you into a goddess. The forth is more of Donni’s part. Used by Takuya Kanbara, you will possess a spirit and evolve into the legendary warrior of flame, Agnimon.”
Oh, the one I saw at the arena… Donni thought. That will be interesting.
“And finally…” Susanoomon broke her concentration. “You will be able to help Yurimon change into a new digimon using Digisoul charge. A little bit different from Masaru Daimon’s style, you will be able to snap your fingers, emitting your Digisoul, and crack a whip at the bad guys, enabling Yurimon to digivolve.”
“Wow…” Yurimon thought. “That is a lot of Digivolutions. Are you sure it’ll work?”
After a bit of uncertainty, Susanoomon nodded. “Miracles is the Digital World’s middle name.”
“I sure hope so.” Donni said. “Thanks a lot, Susanoomon, for the information.”
“Yes, thank you.” Yurimon bowed. “But how, exactly, are we to know where to find these evolutions??”
“ Not to worry, there is a digimon named Tentomon who will lead you around the digital world.”
“Great!” Donni exclaimed. “No need for a map this time!” Yurimon only shook her head as the room dimmed to darkness again. The two girls headed towards the exit and there was a faint sound of static coming from Donni’s digivice.
“Human, are you there? This is Tentomon, and I know where to find the crest of love. Can you read me?”
Donni took a look at her digivice and saw a small beetle-like digimon with huge claws and a shiny red shell with gray spikes sticking out. “ Tentomon, rookie.” the device said suddenly, almost scaring Donni to death. “A vaccine insect digimon. Main attack is Petit Thunder; alternates include Hard Claws, Twice Arm, Rolling Guard, Rhino Spin and Dynamo Spin.”
“A rookie??” Yurimon awed, taking a look at Tentomon. “Aww, so cute!”
“Ah, Tentomon.” Donni smiled. “Saves me the trouble of using a map, so thank you.”
“No problem.” Tentomon replied. “But enough of that. To find the crest of love, you must have the tag of love as well. That will make Yurimon evolve to GirlonGirlmon.”
Yurimon blinked a few times and looked down at her hands. “Well, that’s weird; I already digivolved to GirlonGirlmon. You had the tag the whole time??”
“Tag?” Donni followed Yurimon as far as blinks were concerned. “I’m not sure I know what you two are talking about.”
“Well, I dunno about you, but I think it’s inside of you.” Yurimon said, remembering Donni’s jade aura that helped her transform into that golden-armored digimon. “It may sound crazy, but digiworld’s a bit crazy to me. I mean, that’s my theory.”
“I… I see.” Donni took a look at her device and grinned. “Well, either way, we have the crest, right? I mean, proof was that you were able to digivolve to GirlonGirlmon, right? So let’s find this crest.”
“I suppose that’s your new mission.” Tentomon ordered. “Your crest can be found in the Artic Server. It’s south from here.”
“All right! Let’s go!!” Yurimon held up a fist.
A rumble was heard in a far distance, but as it neared, Donni knew she could feel a rumbling from under her feet. She stepped back a few times as the ground shook more violently, throwing Yurimon off balance. A huge, orange dinosaur-like Digimon appeared, landing on the ground as it shook violently. The monster let out a large yell as Donni quivered a bit, pointing her device at the monster. “ Greymon, Champion.” it reported. “A vaccine dinosaur digimon. Main attack is Mega Flame; alternates Great Antler, Great Tooth, Tail Whip, Great Horn and the Great Horn Attack.”
“Ah man, this sucks!!” Yurimon said, positioning herself. “This is gonna be a toughie.” she jumps up to Greymon, spinning to the left and attempting to kick the side of his face, but with no damage. She lands back on the ground and tries punching his legs, but with the same results.
“Mega blast!” Greymon yelled, and a gush of fire emitted from his mouth. Yurimon blocked the attack with her hands and the fire pushed her back, almost knocking her into a tree.
Donni was holding a strong grip on her device as Yurimon grunted, shaking the pain off. “Al right Yurimon, looks like you’ll have to digivolve.”
“No really, it’s okay.” the digimon smiled, and spread her arms and one of her legs out, spinning fiercely. “Spinning Torpedo!!” she yelled, and she quickly transformed into a tornado, growing larger by the second. The Greymon growled as he tried his best to stand on the ground. His feet slowly rose off the ground and the Greymon knew he wasn’t going to make it unless he did something quick. He drew in another breath as another Mega Blast came towards Yurimon.
“No, Wait--!!” Donni yelled, and leaped in front, only to be hit by the attack. She let out a scream as she rammed herself into a nearby tree, slumping to the ground.
Yurimon stopped what she was doing as the wind died down, Greymon back on his feet again. A low growl, Yurimon turned to the monster, her eyes a blood red. “You’re gonna pay for that!! I’ll NEVER forgive you!!!” her body was surrounded in white as she shut her eyes, raising her head to the sky.
“Yurimon digivolve to… GirlonGirlmon!”
The armored Digimon, floating above the ground, pointed her wand at the monster as a small ball materialized. “Blossoming Rainbow!” she yelled, and light appeared above the monster’s head, weakening him as he let out a loud roar. GirlonGirlmon smiled as she wrapped her arms around her chest, glowing a dark purple. Donni, still unconscious, started to glimmer a light green as Yurimon spread herself out. “Elemental Blast!” she bright light, shaped to an arrow, shot Greymon as he turned into a dark orange. Screaming in pain, the data burst out, a small orange and white-striped digiegg in it’s place.
GirlonGirlmon de-volved and ran towards the unconscious Donni, her green aura started to fade. Tears began to fall from her eyes as they landed on Donni’s (somewhat) pale face. She hugged her close as static was heard from her device. “Donni? Yurimon? Is anyone there?”
“At this point, Yurimon didn’t bother to answer the message, nor watch as the digiegg floated to the sky. It couldn’t get any worse. She can’t die, she just can’t; she has a destiny to fulfill… and they were starting to become really good friends…
A/N: A few alterations and now I am satisfied enough to call it done. Huzzah!! This one took me awhile, I know, and I am very sorry for that. Totally my fault. *bows deeply*
Chapter 4 begins the (somewhat) start of a crazy adventure. Alphamon is finally introduced and decides he wants to enslave another digimon to take Yurimon down. Not the very best time, since Donni is still unconscious. What’ll happen next? It all comes up on the next chapter of Digimon Chaos!
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Something about the world of Donnimon. Contains yaoi, yuri & digimon, where in my world, rainbows attack homophobes & Duskmon is president. Yinkies! O_o
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Digimon, Digital-Dorkster!
Love Digimon? How about a Guild? Or perhaps a zOMG!Clan?