This might help you on choosing the type of Government for your story, if you include a state or an empire. I got this from
By political franchise
This list shows a division based on differences in political franchise (suffrage).
* anarchy - rule by no one
* democracy - rule by majority
* oligarchy - rule by minority
* autocracy - rule by one
* republic - rule by law
According to Weber's tripartite classification of authority
Max Weber in his tripartite classification of authority distinguished three ideal types of political leadership, domination and authority:
* charismatic domination (familial and religious)
* traditional domination (patriarchs, patrimonalism, feudalism)
* legal domination (modern law and state, bureaucracy)
According to an etymologist approach
Finally, the list below present an etymologist's approach to forms of government: the following are real, possible or imaginary forms of government, all made different by the prefix and suffix combination. Nearly all use one of two suffixes: -archy meaning "leadership" (eg. anarchy - no leadership), and -cracy suffix from Greek "kratos" and means "strength" and "power" (e.g., democracy - people's power). The major exception is the Republic, which is derived from the Latin res publicae, which means "the public matter" or, more literally, "the thing of the people", i.e. socio-political affairs. For various extant terms, an example or annotation is juxtaposed.
* adhocracy- government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization
* anarchy- absence of government
* andrarchy/androcracy- government by men
* aristocracy- government by the nobility (aristo="the best" wink
* atheocracy- government where religion is forbidden
* autarchy- government by an absolute ruler
* autocracy- government by one individual, autarchy
* bureaucracy- government by civil servants; also the civil servants themselves
* confederacy- a union of sovereign states
* corporatocracy- government by corporations (industry)
* demarchy- government by the people by lot
* democracy- government by the people, either direct (through referendum or popular assembly) or via elections (representative form)
* ethnocracy- government by a particular ethnic group
* geniocracy- government by those of a higher than average intelligence
* gerontocracy- government by the aged - see the Spartan gerousia
* gynarchy- government by women; gynocracy
* hierarchy- government by a ranked body
* hierocracy- government by priests or religious ministers
* juristocracy- government by judges (also judiciocracy)
* kakistocracy- government by the worst
* kleptocracy- government by thieves - not an existing form, but a negative appreciation of any regime where corruption is excessive
* kritarchy- government by equal freedoms
* krytocracy- government by judges
* magocracy- government by the magically adept (fictional)
* malarchy- government by bad leaders
* matriarchy- government by women or mothers
* meritocracy- government by those with merit
* minarchy- government with the smallest possible bureaucracy or size
* monarchy- government by one (usu. by hereditary rule)
* nomocracy- government through established laws
* ochlocracy- government by mobs
* oligarchy- government by the few; sometimes specified after their fixed number :
o dyarchy- government by two, as in a dual monarchy
o heptarchy- government by seven people
o triumvirate- government by three people
o tetrarchy- government by four people
* omniarchy- government by all
* panarchy- universal rule or dominion
* pantarchy- (literally) rule by all
* particracy- government by political parties
* patriarchy- government by fathers - the original Roman Senate, styling itself Patres ('fathers'), came close; usually just said of rule by men
* plantocracy- government by plantation owners
* plutocracy- government by the wealthy
* polyarchy- government by many people, a vague antonym to monarchy and oligarchy
* pornocracy- government by prostitution - none has yet to exist, although there is a period of the papacy known as the pornocracy.
* republic- government by elected politicians
* robocracy- government by robots or other artificial intelligences (maybe fictional)
* sociocracy- government by equal individuals, based on consent
* stratocracy- government by the armed forces - usually termed military dictatorship or junta
* synarchy- joint sovereignty, just as the condominium of Andorra
* technocracy- government by technical experts
* thalassocracy- sovereignty of the seas
* theocracy- government by a deity through clergy or by religious law
* timocracy- government by the propertied class
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