So no one has really been asking me questions about her. (So sad) So I have had a lack of things to post in the newsletter. Well...I got news!
Mozzarella had another seizure, she is okay now, though. We don't know what caused it, though we have a few suspicions. We keep a close eye on her, and the only thing 'odd' about her, is this morning she DEMANDED breakfast in bed. Me being the great mommy that I am...let her have it.
Her laziness is caused because it is the (almost) winter season. Skunks don't hibernate, but they do get lazy and sleep all day, only waking up for food. They are active about 5 hours a day this time of year. She eats every five hours, then from about 3-6am she plays. By 'play' I mean, she makes a mess and doesn't let us sleep.
~~~~~~~HAPPY HALLOWEEN!~~~~~~~~~
Mozzarella and Tobi went to a costume party! Tobi won second place for funniest costume, and Mozzarella got an honorable mention. Click the images for the full photo!

After the party

How do you housebreak a skunk?
Skunks will almost always go in a corner. Just watch them, let them go, clean it up, put a litter box there! That easy. Some skunks will choose more than one spot, and some don't always use a litter box. Some will never use one. The majority of them are very good with using the box, though. I recommend a high-corner box for two reasons. One-They go in a corner. Two-they have big butts, and will sometimes overshoot the box and get it on the wall. If this happens, spray the wall with vinegar and clean up. It will take away the smell.
How do you find a vet that will take as skunk?
First check your state and local laws for skunks. (It may or may not be illegal) Then just call around. has a page with a list of a few vets who handle skunks, though you may find one not listed.
Do they get along with other animals?
Depends on the skunk and the animal. Tobi and Mozzarella grew/are growing up together, and are best friends. Though Mohz doesn't like to play too much, because Tobi likes to pounce. Our cat HATES the skunk, and won't go near her. Not all skunks like each other either. If you have a skunk that does not get along with other pets, have an area limited for the skunk, where they can go to get away from other pets. (A large closet, a room with a block that has an opening for ONLY the skunk to get through, etc...). If your pets do not get along, don't leave them alone together!
You said your skunk is only active for five hours, what's the fun in that?
She is only active for five hours during this time of year. In the spring and summer she is awake more and very playful. I like her only awake for about five hours, because I can get my homework done and clean and such, and not have to worry about her getting into mischief. And when she is playing, she comes to play with me, and it is worth it.
Wrapping it up
That's all I have for now...I NEED more questions and comments. PM me with questions if you want an answer NOT in the FAQ. Comments may or may not be replied to. (PMs are faster anyway. I can go months without checking comments xD)