Allison Grey Who I amStephanie Ann Marguerite Steph, Anna, TeffieAppearance Where did I come from?Stephanie was born and raised in Avenue B.What are my goals in life?Steph wishes nothing more than to be bigger than Spielberg.Who I REALLY amWhen her mother died, her father gave up all will to live, and committed suicide. From 16 until the present, she has been living alone in her small apartment (she could not keep up with the rent of the larger house) and has taken to thieving money and food. She is currently 18, and loves film. She has always wanted to be a film star, but as of late, she wishes more than anything to be behind the camera, directing a playwright. she saved up all her wages from her two jobs, and bought a real camera. This was the happiest moment of her life.Sexual orientationBisexual, she doesn't care who she is with (gender wise)Anything ELSE?Cute, but androgynous. She has been mistaken for a young boy several times.
konohas_sweetheart Who I amAurora Constance Ashwood Rora, Conny (by family and close friends, she hates the name evil )Appearance Where did I come from?Stationed in NY from out of state. (No I'm not a New Yorker)What are my goals in life?To clean up the crime scene in NY.Who I REALLY amShe is a police officer. She had a distaste for crime ever since her older brother got arrested in front of her when she was six, for dealing drugs. Her Brother got out of jail and she still has deep conflict with him (he's still at large, dealing drugs and what not). Although she looks soft, when shes on the job, she shows no mercy. At the police school they taught her to be strict and then let her hit the streets in a cop car with a loaded gun (without the safety on eek ). Her hobby (if you haven't guessed it by now) is recreational shooting (nothing better then hitting some targets in the head with the raw power of a loaded gun). And she is damn good at it too. Her bosses recommended her as a sniper in the military. She's contemplating on weather to take the job or not when the RP begins. Sexual orientationStraightAnything ELSE?No, I'm through.
Nixelle Who I amNatalie Chantal Robinson Nate, NatAppearance Where did I come from?Moved from Los AngelesWhat are my goals in life?To get into NYU, or to write music for a Broadway production.Who I REALLY amNatalie moved from Los Angeles, hoping to get into NYU. She is still waiting for a reply. She is very smart, and is very musical. She wishes to write music for Broadway musicals, or to go on a world tour. She plans to be in a band with two friends from Avenue A. Natalie has only a few fears. She is afraid of water, after almost drowning as a child. She hates needles, because her mum (accidentally) poked her with a needle while she was sewing. And, her last fear, is bugs. She is 21 years old, but she doesn't really look it.Sexual orientationBisexualAnything ELSE?She goes around just about EVERYWHERE with her guitar. [Think Roger from RENT]
Punx-00-Forever Who I amErin O'Reily Rinny, Reily, RinAppearance Where did I come from?Born and raised on Avenue B, y'all!What are my goals in life?A teacher at NYU, or to be a basketball star.Who I REALLY amErin, as stated above, was born and raised on Avenue B. She went to school, but flunked out in her first year of college. Apparently, the strain was too hard on her. She is now 19, and lives on her own in a apartment on Avenue B. Her hobbies include basketball, hockey [Fave team is Islanders DUH!], soccer, and beach volleyball. She loves art, although she isn't very good. Her favorite music is punk.Sexual orientationStraightAnything ELSE?Nothing I can think of!
Doma Inauko Who I amNikolao Waits Niko, Lao, KoliAppearance Where did I come from?Nikolao is a foreign exchange student from Germany. His mother and father were in a bad way, so he applied for an exchange program, and never returned home.What are my goals in life?His biggest wish is to start a family, and show to his parents that homes can be happy. He wants to be a couples councelor.Who I REALLY amAfter his parents relatoinship fell apart, and he moved to New York on exchange, he realized that he would have to go back at the end of the semester. He got very upset and ran away from his stayhome family, and winded up on Avenue B. He found a older couple willing to take him in, and he owes his life to these two. He is trying to obtain citisnship, and stay, but its hard for him, still being underage. The couple are vying to adopt him. He has met a few people on Avenue B, but most of them run when they hear his heavy acennt. It saddens him a lot.Sexual orientationStraigtAnything ELSE?He isn't friends with the group yet, but he will be. Oh, and What is Avenue Q, RENT? its the only ones in the poll I saw in any of your guys's profiles... ((((LIKE THE OURAN ALIISON!!<3))))
Shina Hayo Who I amMarkel Lemures MarkieAppearance Where did I come from?Markel was born in Avenue BWhat are my goals in life?To get a job with his uncle in the art business. He hopes that one of his uncle's upperclass friends will take notice of his artwork and give him his big break.Who I REALLY amMarkel is from a very tight knit family. With an uncle, nephew, three cousins and a parent living in one household . . . they have to be. He spends a lot of his time painting beautiful abstract representations of people around him in his life. He does still lifes, too, but they always end up having that hint of abstract art. His colors are bold and powerful, much like him. He is a very openminded person, and he loves to share his opinions bluntly and quickly. He refuses to wait to let someone know if they are doing something wrong or right. Chain smoker . . . Sexual orientationI will get back to you on this . . . let's say bi for now, eh? It's the quickest to go either wayAnything ELSE?A representation of himself, in thickened watercolor:
The Blood Soaked Prince Who I amRoland PortsmithAppearance Where did I come from?He came from outside the country. He moved to NY from Toronto, Canada.What are my goals in life?He wants to be like Bill Gates one day. The Richest man in the world and the head of the best software company in the world.Who I REALLY amRoland hates New York!!! He is only there to attend University and collages that have great classes on computers. He is a honers student, he never gets a mark below 85%. His teaches love him, too. This being said, Roland has a tragic flaw: he hates everyone and everything that resides in NY. And most of all he hates the people of NY. He feels that they are always watching him with their beady little eyes. He also hates how the people of NY are greedy, self-centered jerks. Oh and just in case you haven't noticed by now, Roland hates to smile. He is angry all the time. He just wants to go back to Canada, but he knows he must stay in NY until he gets his PhD in Computer Sciences. He also attends/teaches computer classes down at the local collage and community center, and he works at Radio Shack under the computer section to try to put himself through University and Collage. Sexual orientationStrightAnything ELSE?He is 21 years old. Oh and he barely has a personal/love life. He wouldn't have time for one.
Roko Gunshin Who I amEdward Quent Eddie, Amon, QuentAppearance Where did I come from?AtlantaWhat are my goals in life?Become the most notorious hitman/mass murderer in history.Who I REALLY amNo one really knows that much about Edward Quent other than that he comes from Atlanta and few know that he goes by the mysterious alias of "Amon". Thus in his mysteriousness, many rumors have circulated about him and his origins. He's actually kind and friendly to those he means not, or isn't paid, to kill. He has cynical views on nearly everything. He's cunning and devious. He's a talented painter and drummer. He moved to NY for better buisness opportunities.Sexual orientationHeteroAnything ELSE?Not really.
Rennobu Who I amKazuki Juro EtsukoAppearance Where did I come from?Kazuki moved to Avenue B from a small town in Maine.What are my goals in life?To be a top notch Mercenary. Being a Captain of his own team and working for high paying and dangerous missions.Who I REALLY amHe has always been a nice person till his mother and father were killed when he was 13. They weren't exactly murdered, but they just happen to get in a bad car accident that ended up in their death. First, Kazuki started to train heavily with a sword. He wants to improve his fighting skills and thus he also took what little money he had to buy videos of all types of sword styles. He began to work on perfecting his own till he was about 16. When he had turned 16 years old, he began to work as a mercenary under this boss in a town nearby. He was ordered to kill many people, from high class people to assassins. When he turned 19 he began to want a different life. A life away from all his memories and one he could start off a new. He left without a word to anyone including his own boss. He moved to a place called, 'Avenue B.' However He's been looking into some deep training for awhile to increase his sword skills and perhaps picking up another job as a mercenary once more.Sexual orientationStraightAnything ELSE?He is 19 years old and tends to be a more mysterious/shy type. It takes him a long time to start trusting people and even longer before he considers them his friend. He normally doesn't try to be mean to those around him, though sometimes he is mistaken for being mean or rude. Specially towards women.
Allison Grey · Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 05:36am · 0 Comments |