"You Have to stop being so sad and wake up to understand I care and I'll always understand you and nothing will ever change that or how I feel.."
This is something that someone had once said to me and on that day and many days after I was thankful that that person said that because sometimes just knowing that when you get home and during the day and when you wake up in the morning sometimes that's just the most important thing in the entire world is being able to wake up and the first thing you can think of is that somebody cares for you and that they're their when you need them to be. The person that said that to me is my savior and my hero I will always remember him even when he's gone because he is the reason that I can make it through the day and the reason that every morning that I wake up I smile out at the world because I know that he's their for when I need him and I always have somebody to catch me when I fall and help me back up when I'm down and nobody's their to talk to. He is my hero, my best friend, and everything I could ever hope and want him to be because he's their for me.=18]"You Have to stop being so sad and wake up to understand I care and I'll always understand you and nothing will ever change that or how I feel..."
angeldevilishperson2 · Thu Nov 01, 2007 @ 08:51pm · 0 Comments |