Today was... intresting to say the least. I was called in for escort duty, but not escorting just anyone, it was some pregnant Noble lady and her friends. Nobles alone can be a pain in the a** in my opinion. Nobles with friends can be even worse. No, I take that back. Pregnant Nobles with friends is worse then anything. I would rather fight a T-rexsaur by myself. Which I almost did to get out of this. Sadly I didnt.
Anyway, these women wanted to go on a shopping spree. So why was I invited you ask? Well if you know anything about Nobles, you know they usually have enemies. So the Garden was called and asked if they could spare any SeeDs for this little "mission". I was the unfortunate soul called in. Guardian Forces I wish I had gone to fight that T-rexsaur. I had planned to go training in the Fire Cavern today, but those plans were ruined, obviously. But what could I do? I need to get paid too. Gunblade repairs dont buy themselves.
Well, lets start with the car ride, shall we? Women... can... talk... They just dont know how to shut up for five minutes do they? The whole way to their favorite shopping area they jabbered on about absolutly nothing. They tried to get me to join their conversation, but after giving them nothing but silence in return, they quickly gave up. The driver didnt seem to mind them, but he was probably so used to it by now. Poor guy. I'd hate to have his job.
Our first little stop consisted of clothes shopping for the "leader", who was also the pregnant one of the group. Women and clothes shopping both confuse me to. They can shop for hours and only come out with one item. After trying on tewnty different ones. I seriously dont understand it. Simply baffling really. After that they went for food to which they bought me something for simply "being there". Nobles. The food was pretty good by the way. I simply had to eat just far enough away from them as not to hear them talk, but still be able to keep an eye on them.
After that it was off shoe shopping. Another little enigma to me. Its pretty much like the whole clothes shopping thing, but they end up with fifteen pairs of shoes in fifteen minutes. Why do they need all these shoes anyway? Do they honestly wear them all? Whatever, none of my concern. And the driver carried all of the bags these women ended up with, so I didnt care what they bought. Felt a little sorry for the driver though. Still wouldnt want his job.
Another round of clothes shopping ensued for the ladies. I will never understand the attraction to the choices in clothes Noble woman make. Espically the pregnant one. Either way we ended up walking aroud for hours. Not one attack on the ladies. Which ment it was an utter waste of my time and skill. I offically hate shopping by the way.
Finally, after what seemed forever, they decided to go home. Thank the Guardian Forces. Piling into the car there was another never ending conversation all the way back to the manor of the pregnant lady. There they were served dinner, and wouldnt let me leave untill I ate something with them. Much to my dismay, but as the contract was still in effect, and order is an order. Not that I'll complain much, the food was wonderful. Much better then the food at the Garden. I dont know how Zell manages to eat there constantly. It wasnt till after that they let me go. I didnt get back to the Garden till late, so I had to completely scrap my Fire Cavern training till another day. Maybe tomorrow. All in all, at least I'll get paid for a relativly easy day.... relativly.
~Squall Leonhart
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