stressed That Is It! It has been three months and I am sick and tired of people on Gaia. First I will start with the noobz. Fine I will admid that I was noob and I looked like a noob but I didnt act like a noob. That wont stop chasing you around and saying hi to ya when your not interested and when I say I am not Interested in them in their face, they start running off like a b***h because they were gonna ask you to be their girlfriend. I am hot but I dont want to be hot enough for a noob. Noobz, so emotional but then there are noobish girls. I mean, November 11, 2007, the day I am writting this journal entry, an hour ago, I was in town, shaking rocks, trees, and bushes for gold, a noob girl said hi to me when I didnt have time to say hi back when really my priority was to get some gold so I just kept on shake rocks, trees, and bush. The she said can we walk. Thats when I thought she was a lesbian. I just kept on shaking and she was following from behind me and she started chasing while kept on saying can we walk and that was when I knew that I had to get out of there and I did. I was so scared for my life but luckly I got out of there.Second are the peple who keep asking you to donate and buy stuff for them because they dont have the gold to get what they want.And I will admit this. Yes I ask my sister to buy a few things like three things and then I promise her if I wanted something, then I will go out there on Gaia and try as hare as I cant to earn that money and buy my own stuff that I need. I was not going to be like the rest of the people, ask their friend or people they dont even know, to donate some gold to them or buy this or that for them. No if I want something really badly, then I will get of my a** and earn that gold to get what I want. Like when I wanted a Piggy Plush badly. My sister all ready had the gold to buy her a Piggy Plush and she bought one but me, well had about 1,347 gg which wasn't enough but I didnt give up. I earned a whole lot of gold that day and the next day,I bought that Piggy Plush. I didnt even ask my sister to buy it for me at all. I bought that piggy, no, I earn that piggy and I was proud that I raised up and save the gold to buy it but on part 2 of this journal I will tell you all about the part when for the first time someone has ask me to buy a Piggy Plush for her when I didnt even know her nor she wasnt my friend nor I didnt know how she found me.
To Be Continued.........
Urben GirI_6E · Sun Nov 11, 2007 @ 10:59pm · 0 Comments |