Hello people whats goin on!..I realize I havent been on lately so IM sorry ...PLEEZ FORGIVE ME!......yay for random spaz attacks...annywho....Praise be to Tacos!!!!!!,yeah If you agree to anything I have said so far in this journal of mine commenting is greatly appreciated and you any of you fellow anime Otaku peeps like the stuff i do I am friendly I promise I wont bite....(ignore the whip in my hand>.>...........<.< wink yeah if you dont get it by now the ladies to my left and right are my angelic side and devlish side....yeah and that chick in the mid a mix of the two is me!!!! yaaaaaaaay!woohoo!..Tune in next time for my warped mind...where you will always find somthiin weird !!! and random!!!! cool lol lol mad cool arrow twisted twisted evil razz talk2hand burning_eyes wahmbulance emo lol lol wink smile crying scream eek wink lol sad heart heart neutral arrow cool mad mad mad mad talk2hand rofl sad domokun rofl rofl neutral mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen rolleyes rolleyes mad cool rofl burning_eyes