- So I'm finally getting to move out again. <3
It'll be happening on the first of December...the house is ironically in the same neighborhood I'm already in (I didn't choose the location). It'll be me, Ky, Colt, and a few of his friends. I stopped and looked at the house tonight...I dig it. Needs a porch light. Easily remedied.
Me and Colt will share a room (durrr), and Ky gets to have her own room (as do our roomies), so spatially speaking, it's nice. I haven't really gotten to see the inside yet, but will soon.
I'm excited. My dad and I are pretty cool, but the living arrangements are obviously a bit...clashy. He's old, he's old fashioned, and conflictingly wants me to both "grow up" and yet refuses to let me. The intentions are good, but the execution is lacking. The Russian judge gives it a 2.0.
Of course now...I have to tell him I'm moving out. In two weeks. xD
At least it's not like before, where I moved really far out. He could even walk to my new place if he wanted this time. Which also means I'll get to visit a lot. That'll be nice.
So yeah. <333 I'm moving. Yay me! whee