Initials: NAV
Middle name: Alexis
Birthday: October 5
Birth Place: CA
Current location: Smalltown New England
Height: 5' something
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Brown
Piercings: Unmutilated
Birthmark: Bellybutton
Chapter 2: Family
Do you live with your parents: One of them
Do you get along with your parents?: Enough
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Divorced
Do you have any siblings?: One that I know of
What pets do you have?: A kitty
What are there names?: Tikki
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: Carmel, CA
Season: Winter, Summer
clothing brand: Roxy
Color: ...Golden yellow
Number: 57
Chapter 4: Do You...
Sing in the shower?: Always
Write memos on your hand?: Daily
Call people back?: Hardly ever
Believe in love?: Wholeheartedly
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: The right
Wear glasses or contacts?: Don't need them
Chapter 5: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping?: Maybe
Worn braces?: Have them now
Broken a bone?: Not sure
Had stitches?: Yes
Punched someone in the face?: Yes
Skipped school?: Yes
Taken painkillers?: Yes
Gone SCUBA diving?: I would love to
Been stung by a bee?: Thrice
Thrown up in a restaurant?: No
Been to overnight camp?: Yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: Yes
Had detention?: Yes
Been sent to the principal's office?: Yes
Been called a b***h?: Many times
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you?: Wouter
Person to call you?: Mom
Person to text you?: Justin
Person you hugged?: Matt
Person you tackled?: Matt
Thing you touched?: Keyboard
Thing you ate?: Pancakes
Drank?: Canada Dry
Thing you said?: "Bastards. mad "
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Never Nicole.
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