Last weekend I was able to go to NPDA in Atlanta, GA. Despite getting over there an hour before the thing was over *shot*, it was a lot of fun, and I got some great advice from my artwork. Moore College of Art/Design really liked my work, and said going to NPDA with my portfolio he'd consider as an "informal portfolio review". So now I have to send them a few more of my work, including a self-portrait of me looking at a mirror.
Most of the colleges said I should try out more pictures out of direct observation, and that's gonna be new for me, since I do a lot of pictures from my imagination. The Academy of Art realy liked my work as well and she said I should consider doing fashion illustration because she likes the way I draw clothes. Or designing characters for games either American style or Anime style.
And speaking of anime-style, one adivce I'd give to any of you is this, because I get chomped out about this a lot-- there are colleges out there who will NOT allow anime in the portfolio because a lot of them look the same. Note how I said some. It's great if you're really good at drawing it, but because it's so cliche and lot of people have done it, they want to see more diversity from an anime fan. So if you have that, kudos to you. Oh, and you gotta pick the right college who doesn't mind anime. SCAD and the Academy of Art doesn't mind anime. Memphis College of Art/Design and MICA does. Be careful when submitting a portfolio, because colleges like MICA won't allow it. At all. The lady I spoke with that does acceptance letters and such from MICA says drawing anime is great as a hobby, but make sure not to sumbit it in their portfolio. Just giving you the thumbs up.
Otherwise, all the colleges said I have great potential and can see me in the art world doing video game designs, fashion or comics, which makes me mundo happy to hear that my artwork really CAN go far. If you think someone's art look better than yours (I get that feeling a lot, thanks a lot Haley. XD!!) than don't get discouraged. Moore College really like the direct observation pictures of books I drew better than the picture I drew of myself at Stone Mountain, and Memphis College was the exact opposite. Everyone has different taste, my grandmother told me after the association.
Oh, and remember one more thing-- an art college is there to teach you. It may not seem like it, but most really don't expect you to be a professional, because there would be no point in GOING to an art's school. They're there to teach you and to make you a better artist, but you also gotta put commitment into it too. You have to be fully dedicated and know that this is what you want to do. If you're gonna complain that "OMG i DID't get ME sleeeeeeppp becaz of dis stoopid ART HOMEWRKKKKKKKKKK!!!!111ONE!!1" then an art school is not for you.
Oh yeah, and Ian? AP Art is NOT easy, I'll tell you that. Maybe you don't have to study hardcore like AP Economics (like I don't have to do THAT next semester *sarcastic*) but you have to be VERY skilled because for some odd reason, the judges think you are professional artists and they grade you on your artwork really harshly. Draw anime? BIG. FAT. 0. Draw like a somewhat skilled person, or maybe they don't like your work? 2. And 5 is the highest you can get (technically it's a 6, but it's rare to get THAT as a score.) Even most art schools won't even let you exempt a class unless you got a 4 or 5 on the AP Exam anyways. So join the AP Art class with me, draw 30 phoenominal pictures by April and then we'll talk.
All right, time to head out. Got pictures to do and dinner to eat. Much loves to ya Yurimon. X3 heart heart heart heart heart
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Something about the world of Donnimon. Contains yaoi, yuri & digimon, where in my world, rainbows attack homophobes & Duskmon is president. Yinkies! O_o
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