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my book so far
The Dragon’s Rider Book 1 Author: Jacob Elliot Brown Chapter 1
Hakkai’s Birthday There was once a boy named Hakkai Hataka Dragonheart. He had everything a normal boy should have. Friends, family, girlfriend. Well, up until now he was a normal boy, and this is were our story begins. Hakkai had taken his girlfriend out tonight because she had suggested it. The only reason she had suggested this idea was so his friends and family could fix up the party for him. Today was his 16th birthday and when they went up to the door, Kimiko spoke, “I really had a great time tonight Hakkai.”. “Hey, its no big. I’ll be able to take you it out anytime.”. There was rustling coming from inside the house, “Did you hear that?”. Kimiko said “No…. You must be imagining things.”. Kimiko had a worried look on her face. She thought to herself ‘I hope everyone finishes the party decorations in time.’. Hakkai reached over and gave kimiko a kiss. “What’s wrong Kimiko? Are you ok?”. Kimiko replied “I’m fine…. Let’s go inside and relax for a while, ok?”. “Alright, I am really tense.” Hakkai had said. Hakkai had opened the door and flipped on the lights. Hakkai jumped as soon as everyone of his friends and family jumped out and yelled “Surprise! Happy Birthday Hakkai!”. Kimiko gave Hakkai a great big hug. She said to him “ Happy birthday Hakkai. “Thank you for throwing this party for me Kimiko.”. All of his friends and family had put there presents on the table with a cloth on it. A mysterious stranger had come inside during the party. No one had noticed him and he walked up to the present table and put a large gift box under the table so it was out of sight. “Now.. When he finds it.. It will all begin.”. Then he had left and no one ever noticed he had even entered the house. “Hakkai, are u having a great time!?!”, One of his friends had asked. “Yes! This is the best party I have ever had!!”. Everyone was having a great time. Then, after everyone sang happy birthday, Hakkai blew out the candles. Everyone clapped and Hakkai began to open the presents, it was time for everyone to leave. Chapter 2: The Egg Everyone had fun at the party. Everyone had some cake and gone home except Kimiko and three of Hakkai’s friends named Riku, Miome, and Leo. Hakkai had looked under the table and noticed the present that, hours ago, the mysterious stranger had left there. “Hey guys! I missed a present!”. “Really? Who’s it from?” Miome had asked. “doesn’t say… All it says is ‘to: Hakkai … Take care of it and don’t get yourself burned.’. Hakkai had a confused look on his face. “ Don’t get yourself burned?” Leo repeated. “Must be a joke…I hope.” Miome had said in a worried tone. Hakkai begane to open the present. When he had finished opening the present he yelled “Holly molly!!! This is a big egg!”. The egg was easily the size of Hakkai’s head. The egg began to shake and Kimiko had sat down beside Hakkai. “Uh-oh!!!! Look out!” yelled Riku. “Duck and cover!!!” Leo had yelled. Everyone but Hakkai and Kimiko had dropped to the ground. Both of them were too amazed by the brilliant fire of the egg. The egg then broke into a million tiny peaces. Kimiko had been blown on her back but Hakkai had still been standing firm. “That was amazing!” Hakkai yelled. Then everyone looked at were the egg once stood. There, in the egg’s place, was a white creature with black wings. The creature that hatched from the egg…. Was a dragon. The man that had given Hakkai the egg was looking through the window. “Now we wait.”. Then he had disappeared in to thin air. As if he was never there. Hakkai himself was confused as everyone else in the room. “What the heck is that thing!”. No one in the room knew that the dragon was a dragon yet. Everyone just thought it was a creature of some sort. No one could comprehend this…… Yet. Hakkai was a fanatic for dragons and had read many books on them. “It’s a dragon!” Hakkai yelled in a voice that sounded as if was excited to see this magnificent creature. “Are u sure Hakkai? I know you’re a fanatic of dragons, but are you absolutely certain it’s a dragon?” Miome had asked. It was as if he was on trial right now, like a lawyer was asking him if he committed a murder. “Yes Miome, I’m absolutely certain this is a dragon!” Hakkai seemed as those he had been made extremely angry. “Calm down Hakkai. She was just curious. But really…. A dragon?” Leo had been sarcastic when he said that, but Hakkai had calmed down by then to know this. “Well…We should give it a name right?” Riku said. “Your right,” Hakkai said, “What should we name him?” “Hmm… I think you should name him Hakkai, he was your gift.” Kimiko had said. “Hmm… Well, I think I’ll name him Daruku. That name suit’s this fine dragon well, don’t you think?” Hakkai said it as though it was a question. “Hmm… I think it would suit him well! The color of him is nice, and the wings are such a lovely shade of black.” Miome acted as though she was happy to see the baby dragon. What happened next shocked them all and it put an excited look on Hakkai’s face. “Thank you, young woman for the compliment. I enjoy the fact that I have someone who actually likes this color and shade of black and the color of my body.” The dragon spoke. “You can speak! This is so amazing! I can’t believe I actually hear a dragon speaking! For that matter… I’m actually graced to even see one!” Hakkai started to rant on about this until Kimiko stopped him long enough for the dragon to get a word in edge wise. “Stop ranting please! Besides, I’m happy to see my new master and to see h already knows a lot about me. Plus the fact is that you actually were still standing after the dispel I put out,” Daruku continued on to tell “I can see that you in fact are wondering what a dispel is, aren’t you?” He had asked as though Hakkai hadn’t studied dragons from almost half of his life. “You don’t think I know what a dispel is?!?!” Hakkai yelled. “For your information, I in fact know what a dispel is!” Hakkai had seemed as though the dragon made him angry enough to kill the poor baby dragon. “ A dispel is a spell a dragon knows from birth and it is a spell that a dragon use’s to destroy active spells put upon them! And I can see that there had been a spell put upon your egg impractically so u could be protected in the box that held your self in egg state.” When Hakkai had finished, the dragon had seemed amazed that Hakkai had known so much about just one spell. “Young man… What is your name?” Daruku had asked. “Hakkai, Hakkai Hataka Dragonheart.” Hakkai spoke in such an official tone. Daruku was frozen solid at the sound of just the second word of that name. Hakkai seemed to be confused then it was the others turn to break the silence, “Daruku, what do you eat?” Miome had asked the baby dragon. At that moment when Miome spoke to him and then he replied. “Oh… Um… Anything that’s meat or that is edible. I’m not that picky.” Hakkai then was being leaded to the couch by Kimiko and she had started to calm him down. Riku had spoken to Leo, “Hey Leo. You notice what that dragon did when Hakkai told him the name Dragonheart?”. Miome was then leading the dragon him into kitchen to get something to eat. “Yea, he reacted as though he was afraid of that one name, as though it was the last name of a dragon slayer or something. “Leo had said. Riku seemed as though he was fairly confused. ‘When did Leo learn about something called a dragon slayer?’ When Leo saw Riku’s confused look, he had explained that he had his fair share of Hakkai lecturing him about dragon from time to time. “Yea. Let’s just go and help Hakkai adjust to this ok?” Riku suggested. “Yea. He really seems confused about this whole thing.” Chapter 3: The Beginning Hakkai had now been in Kimiko’s arms, it had seemed as though he had a nervous break down. Even though a few minutes ago he had seemed so excited, now he was so sad and scared. Kimiko was doing her best to keep him calm. She had done enough to keep him calm. His nervous breakdown was over and at that moment Miome came in the room with the baby dragon and the dragon had blood on his face. Miome then started to clean the baby dragon’s face. The dragon didn’t fight back. She then noticed that Hakkai had another nervous breakdown. He hadn’t had another nervous breakdown since his parents passed away. Ever since that day he had been all on his own. Hakkai had fallen asleep in Kimiko’s arms. Riku then helped Kimiko take Hakkai to his bedroom. When they came back, the dragon had begun to tell them what was happening to Hakkai, “Alright. I’m going to tell you what’s going on with Hakkai. His body’s nervous system is changing. So is his heart…” Daruku seemed to get a look from everyone when he said that his heart was changing. “His heart? There’s no way a persons heart can ‘change’.” Leo had said this himself because he was a bit confused on how a person’s heart could change. “Well… How do I put this…? He him self is receiving the heart of a dragon. If he wishes to be my master he has to do this or… He will die!” Daruku seemed annoyed at this point. “When are all of your birthdays?” Daruku had asked this in a demanding tone. “Mines tomorrow.” Leo told him. “Mines the same. Tomorrow. Actually, come to think of it, all of our birthdays are tomorrow!” Riku said this in a shrill tone then just as the dragon turned, they all noticed he was heading towards Hakkai’s room. Everyone told him not to go in there but he only peeked through the door. Hakkai was raiding his shelf’s looking for a special book. “Come on! Where is that book?! I need that book! Ahhh… Here it is.” Hakkai said in a relieved voice. He started to look through the book. He had a worried look on his face. When he stopped flipping the pages inside the book, he read one word aloud. “Dragon’s bane…” Hakkai said this aloud because he thought of something at that exact moment. He then said “He was my ancestor. An ancestral dragon lord. He… Named his dragon Daruku!” Hakkai then put the book away. Frightened yet sane enough to know were it once was. Even though the dragon knew that name, he still went back to the living room. Riku then asked “What was that about? Why didn’t listen to us?”. “It’s just that… Your friend is very stocked up on books… Are they all on dragons?” Daruku asked them. “No… Hakkai showed them all to me. Some of them are on the past of knights and dragon slayers.” Kimiko told Daruku. “I see… So how many books does he have stocked up in there on my kind and knights?”. “Well I did count… 783 Books.” Kimiko told him. The dragon had been surprised. “783 Books!?! That’s more then I thought he would have. He really is a fanatic for dragons.” Daruku said, as though he was expecting him to have so many. “Yea… I thought he would have less too but… This incident really spooked him… He just needs time to recover.” Kimiko said in a worried tone. “Alright… We’ll let him recover but he needs to hurry! The longer he is like this is the faster I grow weaker.” Daruku said in a very strict tone. Just then Hakkai came into the room. His face had such an angry look on it that Kimiko had to look away. “So! All you care about is yourself is it?!?” Hakkai had been angered by this dragon. He seemed as though he knew the dragon now. “I did not say that. All I said was that the longer you remain in this state, the faster I become weak! I need my power for when we… Never mind. Just please, I hope you have a great recovery.” Daruku seemed to be nicer now that Hakkai was strict with him. Hakkai went back to his room without another word but before he closed the door, he said “Thank you and Kimiko, I love you.” He then shut the door.
Chapter 4: The Portal
The next day, Kimiko, Miome, Riku, and Leo had there parties in the same place, each had there on table. That day, four people appeared at the party two of them men and two of them woman. When they walked in it was as if they didn’t exist. No one even acknowledged them. The two women went too the girls tables and put exactly the same sized box under the table cloth, as did the men. When they went outside, they were greeted by the man who gave Hakkai his egg. “Did you deliver the eggs?” asked the man who gave Hakkai his egg. “Yes Goliath we all gave our eggs to them, right Drake?” asked the one women who gave Kimiko her egg. “Right Rukia, this was easier then I thought it would be.” Said Drake. Goliath glared at then both “Don’t underestimate these children you fool’s. They may look weak but wait until they master those powers in them,” Goliath seemed to be a little more serious now “especially that one child, Hakkai.”. They all seemed to shudder at the sound of his name, “Well… Let’s hope he doesn’t develop his powers to fast like Dragon Bane.” Said the one who gave Miome her egg. “Kiske, use the spell and get us back to our world... NOW!” Goliath yelled. He despised this world… Everything that’s in it now... The building, cars, everything. “Alright sir.” Spoke Kiske. They all put themselves in a group. Then they disappeared. When the party was over, Kimiko, Miome, Leo, and Riku checked under the tables. They all were surprised, they all found the same sized boxes under there tables. “No way! This is amazing! There all the same size as Hakkai’s birthday box that held the egg.” Leo said. “Yea, to bad Hakkai was still asleep. I hope that dragon of his hasn’t eaten everything at his house yet.” Miome said. “Let’s go to Hakkai’s house and see if Hakkai is awake yet.” Kimiko said. Several minutes later, they arrived at Hakkai’s house. He was awake making himself some thing to eat. When they all look at the couch was the Daruku was sleeping. Then they saw the presents on beside him. They were all addressed to each of them. Hakkai hadn’t noticed that they had entered his house yet.

Kazuraki Ookami Yasha
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  • User Comments: [2]
    Hanayuki Kimei Hasumaro
    Community Member

    Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 12:31am

    Overcome with curiosity! Overcome with curiosity! *is a little jumpy*

    Community Member

    Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 07:12pm

    this thing sucks

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