Age: 14

Describtion: Alez has been a quiet shy girl, always being sent from boarding school to boarding school, because her parents don't want her home, you it's either boarding school, or her terible Uncle Sean's home in Aisa. She can enver make frineds, because everyone hates her, except a few who likes her, and the few is usually boys.Aklez loves playing the gutair and listens to hard rock and alternetive. She can Sing very well, and she loves to sing "Hell Is For Children" because she has went through abuse herself/
If in demonic: Alez found at an early age that she was different. Almost everything she touches turns to ice, if she thinks about it.
Name: Megele
Age: 14

describtion: Megele is very outgoing. She is very adventerous and loving. bY the way she acts at school, you will never guess her record. She got arrestd for being involved in a schooting, and hse keeps a gun in her room (if boarding school, dorm room). She has been accused of drugs, but she doesn't do or deal drugs.
If In Demonic: (same as above) She can read peoples minds ad make them do what ever she pleases
Name: Janice
Age: 13

Describtion: Janice is a smart, cute, and a rebel! She loves proving her point, and joining in any protests, she believes what she believes!
If in Demonic: Janice can turn anything into ice
Name: Layleah
Age: 13

Describtion: Layleah is a girl every girl hates, but ecery boy loves! Layleah was the smartest girl in her old boarding school.
If In Demonic: Layleah is a demon slayer
Name: May
Age: 13

Describtion: May has been on her own since she was eight. Her house and parents were burned to the ground by her village, but they were really after her. The preist of her village said that May was born to serve the devil, so they dicided to burn her, but only her right arm got 3rd degree burns. Her arm warmers hides her injuries from anyone to see.
If In Boarding/Demonic: *Same as above for demonic* May has been innocent, but always accused as guilty. The teachers say that she cheats on her teasts, when she doesn't.