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It's like those other sites on the Internet, except this one is awesome instead of suck.
all my art comments... ever :ninja:
Yeah, you should probably ingore this, it's just mostly a records keeping thing.

Recent 153 Comments for you
Professor Moody
On 05-25-2005, wrote:
I'm sorry, but all I can see is a red X
Professor Moody
On 11-04-2004, wrote:
ohh thats really nice
Professor Moody
On 10-21-2004, wrote:
Not how i imagined him but.... sure.
Professor Moody
On 10-20-2004, wrote:
WTF!!? that's suppose to be mad eye!!!!!???
Professor Moody
On 09-28-2004, wrote:
Wow, Mad Eye in a whole new aspect. Makes you wonder what he's really going to look like.
Professor Moody
On 09-10-2004, wrote:
thats every emmmmmmm nice!!!
Professor Moody
On 09-04-2004, wrote:
-dies from the ugliness- x_x Erm, try again?
Professor Moody
On 09-02-2004, wrote:
your the weakest link good bye. please leave or do better. Well now thats a bit harsh
Professor Moody
On 08-28-2004, wrote:
is that supposed to be Mad-Eye moody?
Professor Moody
On 08-24-2004, wrote:
Professor Moody
On 08-17-2004, wrote:
Harry...Potter? That the heck?

Professor Moody
On 08-15-2004, wrote:
Very funny!!!!!! smile smile

Professor Moody
On 08-07-2004, Aivlis wrote:
I no comment to...

Professor Moody
On 08-05-2004, wrote:
hahahaha! its that one idiot in harry potter! you draw like me, horrible. no offence!

Professor Moody
On 08-05-2004, wrote:
Very nice! I love it!

Professor Moody
On 08-05-2004, wrote:
No offense but ummm.... what is it?

Professor Moody
On 08-05-2004, wrote:
it sucks badly plz fix it

Professor Moody
On 08-03-2004, wrote:

Professor Moody
On 08-03-2004, wrote:

Professor Moody
On 08-02-2004, wrote:
o_o...Its..Unique.. o_o..

Professor Moody
On 08-02-2004, wrote:
I don't get it.

Professor Moody
On 08-01-2004, wrote:
is it mad eye moody

Professor Moody
On 07-31-2004, wrote:
i was thinking exactly the same as Fallen Halo,

Professor Moody
On 07-31-2004, wrote:
I was on the floor, lmao. nice job, I love the chalkbord part! smile ~pix

Professor Moody
On 07-31-2004, Fallen Halo wrote:
Yes...no comment indeed..

Professor Moody
On 07-31-2004, wrote:
Mad-Eye Moody! Oh my! Scarey! *runs*

Professor Moody
On 07-30-2004, wrote:
haha.. funny funny

Professor Moody
On 07-30-2004, wrote:
Personally my second favorite DADA teacher (after Lupin of course), and an excelent scene from the book. Good Work!

Professor Moody
On 07-30-2004, wrote:
excelet work!!!

Professor Moody
On 07-30-2004, wrote:
Heehee *notices the "bonus points"*

Professor Moody
On 07-29-2004, Sadyc wrote:
¬¬ he looks like a pshyco.......

Professor Moody
On 07-29-2004, wrote:
Atleast the writing on the board is funny....

Professor Moody
On 07-28-2004, wrote:
nice work, keep it up

Professor Moody
On 07-27-2004, wrote:
harry potter 4th book right?

Professor Moody
On 07-26-2004, wrote:
..........um.....nice desk........

Professor Moody
On 07-25-2004, wrote:
the drawing could be better but i LOVE the writing on the bord..its hilarious!

Professor Moody
On 07-24-2004, wrote:
is this supposed to be mad eye moody?

Professor Moody
On 07-23-2004, wrote:
I don't know about your actauly drawing, but the writing on the board is hilarious!

Professor Moody
On 07-23-2004, wrote:
Thats totally nice

Professor Moody
On 07-22-2004, wrote:
hehehe i just realized thats mad eye lol.

Professor Moody
On 07-22-2004, wrote:
uhhhhhhhhhh wth? my six y/o bro couldve done better

Professor Moody
On 07-22-2004, wrote:
um... ya that pic is as crappy as my crap!

Professor Moody
On 07-22-2004, Eve_Talens wrote:
took a minute to register.. I'm not a HP buff. I forgot all those names for a sec.. hehe. HP fanart is good.

Professor Moody
On 07-21-2004, wrote:
very ugly, sorry. but it is

Professor Moody
On 07-21-2004, wrote:
no offense, but how old are u?

Professor Moody
On 07-20-2004, Destiny Knights wrote:
I love harry but you have killed my dreams.

Professor Moody
On 07-19-2004, wrote:
Yeah. Well. Um. You made an effort? Thats all I can say...

Professor Moody
On 07-19-2004, wrote:
thats just totally dorky

Professor Moody
On 07-19-2004, wrote:
well. I'm definetly scared....

Professor Moody
On 07-19-2004, wrote:

Professor Moody
On 07-19-2004, wrote:
no comment indeed.

Professor Moody
On 07-18-2004, wrote:
0.0 *scrathes head*

Professor Moody
On 07-18-2004, wrote:
This is NOT, the best one yet.

Professor Moody
On 07-18-2004, wrote:

Professor Moody
On 07-17-2004, wrote:
mad-eye! hahhahah!!! nice.

Kida from Atlantis
On 07-17-2004, Taskatam wrote:
Good atempt, but its slightly dispoportionate, keep trying ; )

Professor Moody
On 07-17-2004, wrote:
i hate it it will haunt me forever

Professor Moody
On 07-17-2004, wrote:
Uhhh... Intersting...

Professor Moody
On 07-16-2004, wrote:
I am thoroughly disgusted...

Professor Moody
On 07-16-2004, wrote:
this is a cool picture keep it up

Professor Moody
On 07-16-2004, wrote:

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
*rofl* Bonus point at the bottom is so cute. Love his eye, freaky here, as it's freaky in the book oO

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
Some things just shouldn't be posted.

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
Maybe you shouldn't draw, if it was supposed to funny it wasn't and if it wasn't the job you did was pathetic!!1

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
he reminds me of a Substitute teacher i had once Mr.Waizer

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
lol! i like the bonus points part

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
Lol. I like Mad Eye's eye. Cute.

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
......No Coment......

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
mad eye moody!!!8/10 keep it up

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
a little interesting...

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
loving it! hehehehhehehhe

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
this is the best oine yet.

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
lmao!! it's Prof. Moody from the 4th Harry Potter book!! awesome fanart.

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
.......harry potter meets saturday night live?

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
ok, um this is reeeeeaaaallly interesting..... nice try

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
This is so FUNNY! I love it!

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
huh?? biggrin Didn't get it...

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
ok you do not no that are bad I mene bad bbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
yea......no comment...j/k....nice job ^^

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
this is sweet it is what harry potter and wizards are really like!!!!!

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
it's mad-eye moody

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
that is a kool drawing

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, Ushiwaka wrote:
Not particularly well drawn, but definitely amusing.

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
this picture is very cooool... my teacher looks like himm hehe

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
lol...what it lacks in quality...it partially makes up for the small joke. So props...

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
Table lines are not parallel.And well,the guy does look kind of ugly,no offence meant.

Professor Moody
On 07-15-2004, wrote:
From Harry Potter, right? Wow... Um... Better luck next time! ^^'

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
he doesn't look forbidding to me...and his face is more scarred than this, btw.

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
you were bored in class one day, aye?

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, majeh wrote:
hmm there are words for that but nice job

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
he looks kind of drunk or kind of homeless.

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
no comment.... same here

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
looks like one of my teachers. I'm serious lol.

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
i dont get this guy

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
im a have night marees tonught jebus

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, XxxPonchoxxX wrote:
Why would you even post something like this?

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
interesting..looks like my physics lecturer!^^

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
O.O Creepy.....

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
this is ok i take it it's from harry potter!

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
Ugh, you make baby jesus cry. *dumps you in vat of christian hate butter*

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
OMG O.O you have destroyed mad eye moody !!!

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, ice_kiki wrote:
lol that is kinda cute -the part about the curses-

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
lol. . . like ur pic. . . desk could be straighter though. . . like the eyes too!

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, Kakari wrote:
lmao reading the black board was my favorite part.

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
*twitch* heh...heheh... it's Moody... *twitch* My advice: work on drawing humanoids...

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
his face... the horror............ the HORROR....

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
hahahahha what is this? hahahaha

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
i guess... it´s from harry potter?

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
this good and cool

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
Cool, well done

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
Wow! this is hilarious

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
bad,the word kill ,what if a 5 year old sees that

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
Harry Potter! Erm, I cannot tell if you like or dislike Moody's teaching skills. I know it's not the real Moody, I finished the book, but still!

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
I love the fly!

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
OMGOMGOMG! ok, I'm gonna calm down now*takes deep breath* This pic made my day, I swear

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
mad eye moody???? try to paint it smile

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
Moody smiling??

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
I love this picture, it's really cool...nice job.

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
he look lame...........but good...........

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
...I don't get it.

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
ummm yea first you miss spelled the killing curse plus this art just sucks

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
um... im confused... it isn't that good. O.o

Professor Moody
On 07-14-2004, wrote:
think of what you want to "express" before you draw. this could have been better if you did that.

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
yeah just keep it at no comment...and ill just give you a nothing rating.....zEr0

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
uhh what the ******** hell?

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
i'm lovin' that facial hair!!! you rock!

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
i guess its from harry potter??

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
you have issues.

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
I like how this outfit is foarming on this person. But you do need to improve on it.. Good luck!! ^^

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
that is scary looking!

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
I don't really understand the picture o.o

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
i see y u have not comment...but i have one question....y?

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
um whatever, this is pretty funny looking

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
I like it alot!!!!!

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
Verry funny pic.

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
If there were words to express how incredibly ridiculous this pic is. . .

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
Um, wait, is this from Harry Potter?

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
this sucks really really bad. read it again...THIS SUCKS!

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, Riffe wrote:
I like that pic its a nice pic.

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
that's mad-eye moody! lol. I love how freaky he looks, lol

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
good but need some work on it lol

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
aheh..o.o looks like a dead,looking teacher..^^ but the curse spells in the chalk bored are pretty curreent and true

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
ieeewwwwwww....and that's putting it lightly

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
a teacher on drugs ok then

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
Hah! Cute.......

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
back to the drawing room

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
Kinda reminds me of my art teacher XD lmao

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
this looks great!

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:
ummmmmm, what the hell is this????

Professor Moody
On 07-13-2004, wrote:

Kida from Atlantis
On 07-08-2004, wrote:
It is very awesome. You must be a very great artist.

Kida from Atlantis
On 05-15-2004, wrote:
I think her eye's are kewel,

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