Yaaaaayyyyy! mrgreen I'm passing, I'm passing! I'm passing my spanish class!!! xd mrgreen heart Finaaly I have a good grade... Well, I made a 82 average which I might guess I made a B grade. So cool! heart I always get Ds and fs which pretty much sucks. stressed I hated getting those bad grades in my Spanish class. I jusr wanna pass my Spanish class. Even through I want to pass my spanish class, I would really want my other classes. I'm really making As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs. sad Oh well, I guess I have to try harder with all my classes. sad

Attention all of my friends. wahmbulance I will be coming to Gaia only in Sunday, Monday, and Saturday. Only on this account. I have two other ones, but I won't show ya soon. I might show my two accounts if I sumbit my journal again. Okay? razz
That's all. heart