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View User's Journal

About Me <( " )>
I love animals, and candy. My fav sports are vollyball, soccer, and cheer. I get a lot of great friends and I'm very nice. and I LOVE to sing.
ONWARD TO THE QUIZ [sorry for the repeated questions] heart

Thanks to Destius for helping me edit this quiz!!! heart and thanks to everyone who's still pointing out mistakes here and there!!

Complete The Sentence

1.- If I were a fruit I'd be...
2.- If I were a colour I'd be...
3.- If I were a domestic appliance I'd be...
4.- If I were a book I'd be...
5.- If I were a clothing item I'd be...
6.- If I were a jewel I'd be...
7.- If I were an object I'd be...
8.- If I were a car I'd be...
9.- If I were an element I'd be...
10.- If I were a tree I'd be... old....
11.- If I were a drink I'd be...
12.- If I were an ice cream flavor I'd be...
13.- If I were a person I'd be...
14.- If I were a planet I'd be...
15.- If I were an insect I'd be...
16.- If I were public transport I'd be...
17.- If I were a song I'd be...
18.- If I were a movie I'd be...
19.- If I were a season I'd be...
20.- If I were a flower I'd be...
21.- If I were a job I'd be...
22.- If I were a cartoon I'd be...
23.- If I were a place I'd be...
24.- If I were a gift I'd be...
25.- If I were a memory I'd be...
26.- If I were a city I'd be...
27.- If I were a sense I'd be...
28.- If I were a game I'd be...
29.- If I were a candy I'd be...
30.- If I were a time of the day I'd be...
31.- If I were an invention I'd be...
32.- If I were a bodypart I'd be...
33.- If I were a country I'd be...
34.- If I were a flavor I'd be...
35.- If I were a sport I'd be...
36.- If I were a smell I'd be...
37.- If I were a subject I'd be...
38.- If I were a flag I'd be...
39.- If I were a building I'd be...
40.- If I were a month I'd be...
41.- If I were a perfume I'd be...
42.- If I were a gummy candy I'd be...
43.- If I were a toy I'd be...
44.- If I were a textile I'd be...
45.- If I were a shape I'd be...
46.- If I were a common liquorice I'd be..
47.- If I were a word I'd be...

Random 1

48. Honestly, what color is your bra (or undershorts if you're a boy)?
49. Honestly, what's on your mind?
50. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
51. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
52. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
53. Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?
54. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
55. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
56. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
57. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
58. Honestly, when is the last time you went to Taco Bell?
59. Honestly, are you in denial?
60. Honestly, where would you rather be right now?
61. Honestly, do you like someone?

Anger Section

62. What do you do when you're mad?
63. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
64. Do you swear when your mad?

Crying Section

65. When was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?
66. When was the last time you cried yourself to sleep?
67. Do you still cry when you get an injury?
68. What usually makes you cry?

Happy Section

69. Are you usually a happy person?
70. What can make you happy?
71. Does being with your friends make you

Self-Esteem Section

72. Do you believe in yourself?
73. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you agree?
74. Are you one of those people that thinks they are ugly?

Gaia Section

75. Why did you join Gaia?
76. Are you addicted to Gaia?
77. What type of people were you hoping to meet?
78. Are you looking for love on Gaia?

About You

79. Full name:
80. Sex:
81. Were you named after anyone?:
82. Does your name mean anything?:
83. Nickname(s):
84. What do you think you look like:
85. Date of birth:
86. Place of birth and current location:
87. Nationality:
88. Astrology sign:
89. Chinese astrology sign:
90. Religion:
91. What's your favorite smell?:
92. Political Position?:
93. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?:
94. Hair + eye color:
95. Do you look like anyone famous?:
96. What do you look like?:
97. Any unusual talents?:
98. Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?:
99. Gay, straight, bi, or other?:
100. What do you do for a living?:
101. What do you do for fun?:
102. What are your favorite art materials to work with?:
103. What kind of materials would you like to work with?:
104. Have you met your grandparents?:
105. Boyfriend/Girlfriend:
106. Crush:
107. What celebrity would you date if you could?:
108.Current worries?:
109. Favorite online guy/girl(s):
110. Favorite place to be?:
111. Least favorite place to be?:
112. Do you burn or tan?:
113. Ever break a bone?:
114. What is your favorite cereal?
115. Person you cry with:

Do You Have...

116. Any sisters:
117. Any brothers:
118. Any pets: kitty :
119. An illness:
120. A pager:
121. A personal phone line:
122. A cell phone:
123. A visible birthmark:
124. A pool or hot tub:
125. A car:

Describe Your/Random 2

126. Personality:
127. Driving:
128. Your clothing style:
129. Room:
130. What's missing:
131. School:
132. Bed:
133. Relationship with your parent(s):
134. What's hiding in your closet?:
135. Do you believe in love at first sight?:
136. Consider yourself a good listener?:
137. Have a future dream that you would like to share?:
138. Get along with your parents?:
139. Save your e-mail conversations?:
140. Pray?:
141. Believe in reincarnation?:
142. Brush your teeth twice a day?:
143. Like to talk on the phone?:
144. Like to eat?:
145. Like to exercise?:
146. Like to watch sports?:
147. Sing in the car?:
148. What is a dream that you have all the time?:
149. Dream in color?:
150. Do you have nightmares?:
151. Sleep with a stuffed animal?:
152. What's right next to you?:
153. What's on your favorite mug?:
154. What's on your mouse pad?:
155. Your favorite flavor of gum:
156. Your brand of deodorant:
157. Your dream honeymoon spot:
158. Your dream husband/wife:
159. Under your bed:
160. The name of one of your closest/best friends:
161. Your bad time of the day:
162. Your worst fear(s):
163.Your dream house:
164. What's the weather like:
165. Your favorite time of year?:
166. Your favorite holiday?:
167. A material weakness?:
168. The weirdest food or drink that you like?:
169. At the top of your "to-do list"?:
170. The hardest thing about growing up:
171. A pet peeve?:
172. Your scariest moment:
173. Your attitude about love?:
174. The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?:
175. The worst feeling in the world:
176. The best feeling in the world:
177. What color are your kitchen plates?
178. What book are you reading now?
179. Manga I'm currently reading:
180. What would you do for a klondike bar?:
181. Favorite board game?
182. Favorite instrument?
183. What is the first thing you think of in the morning?
184. Favorite rpg?:
185. Least favorite color:
186. How many rings until you answer the phone?
187. Future child's name:
188. Chocolate or Vanilla?
189. Do you like to drive fast?
190. Do you sleep with a more than one blanket?
191. Do you like thunderstorms?
192. What was your first car?
193. What is your sign?
194. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
195. If you could have any job what would it be?
196. If you could have any color hair what would it be?
197. Is the glass half full or half empty?
198. What is your favorite movie?
199. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?
200. What's under your chair?
201. What is your favorite number?
202. Favorite sport to watch?
203. Your single biggest intense pain?
204. Oldest Friend?
205. Ketchup or mustard?
206. Hamburger or hot dog?
207. Favorite season?
208. The best place you have ever been?
209. What is your screen saver?
210. What is your favorite fast food place?
211. What is your favorite breed of dog?
212. Your best friend’s nicknames?
213. Have you ever been kissed by the opposite gender?
214. What annoys you the most?
215. What's your crush's name?
216. What's your best friend's name?
217. Which celebrity annoys you the most?
218. What type of music do you dislike the most?
219.What brand of shoes are you wearing?
220. What is currently on your wrist?
221. Okay, if you and one other person could be alone on the entire planet, who would you choose?
222. Is your best friend a righty or a lefty?
223. What's your favorite tv show?
224. If you could make-out with any cartoon character, who would it be?
225. If you could say or do anything to Johnny Depp, what would you do?
226. What is your favorite book(s) or author?
227. If someone stole your wallet/ bag what would you do?
228. Would you/have you ever had someones name tattoo'ed on your body?
229. How many fingers am I holding up?
230. Where's mother?
231. Do you know the muffinman, if so who is he, where does he live and what does he do?
232. Who's your favorite pirate?
233. Who's your favorite Ninja?
234. If you were to choose another place and period of history to live, wich would it be ?
235. Ice cream or pastries?
236. If you can be born again for the same life, would you do that?
237. What is your favorite animal?
238. What is your favorite flavor of kool-aid?
239. What is your objective in life?
240. What do you see first every morning when you wake up?
241.What is your computer wallpaper(background)?
242.Since this is an art community, what inspires your art the most?
243. Do YOU iPod? Nope
244. Would you train a monkey for $20 dollars?
245. Do you ever go to church?
246. Lyk OMG am I a n00b???!!!1?1one!?
247. Would you ever walk around with a sign saying 'Free Hugs'?
248.Are you ready to DEE. DEE. ARRRRR!?!?!? (DDR) nooooooo!
249. If you could choose a cartoon/book/movie character to be your best friend, Who would it be?

250. Type of doorknob-
251. food -
252. candy –
253. pizza topping –
254. salad dressing –
255. sandwich –
256. Type of computer-
257. fruit –
258. vegetable –
259. berry –
260. cake -
261. Pet-
262. Friend-
263. magazine -
264. Movie that only plays on tv-
265. website -
266. radio station –
267. font -
268. cartoon character –
269. artist (painter) –
270. actor –
271. actress –
272. cd –
273. song –
274. music group –
275. music type -
276. day of the week -
277. month -
278. season –
279. holiday -
280. shampoo -
281. conditioner -
282. number –
283. phrase -
284. store –
285. weather -
286. restaurant –
287. channel –
288. teacher –
289. weekend activity -
290. hangout -
291. sport to watch -
292. sport to play –
293. animal –
294. guy's name -
295. girl's name -
296. board game -
297. party game –
298. story from childhood –
299. body part –

Have You Ever:

300. been on a train -
301. been on a plane -
302. been in a car accident –
303. caused a car accident -
304. run into a wall -
305. almost burned the house down -
306. smoked -
307. been drunk -
308. been high -
309. broken the law -
310. kissed someone of the opposite sex -
311. kissed someone of the same sex -
312. made out -
313. loved -
314. made yourself cry to get out of trouble -
315. cried in public -
316. fallen asleep in a movie theater –
317. lost a valuable item –
318. bungee jumped –
319. met the president –
320. met a celebrity -
321. gotten a cavity -
322. made a prank call –
323. skipped school -
324. faked sick to get out of school –
325. purchased something that you knew didn't fit –
326. climbed a tree –
327. fallen from a tree -
328. broken a bone –
329. sprained anything -
330. passed out -
331. made yourself pass out -
332. been to Disney world -
333. said i love you and meant it (not to a relative) –
At This Moment:

334. what are you listening to -342. what are you wearing –
335. what are you thinking –
336. what are you scared of most -
337. how many people are on your buddy list – Future:

338. occupation –
339. place to live-
340. kids –
341. car - mustang maybe?
342. what are you doing tomorrow –
343. will there be a WW III –
344. will humanity snuff itself out –


345. best friend -
346. funniest -
347. loudest –
348. craziest -
349. best secret keeper-
350. sweetest –
351. smartest -
352. prettiest -
351. lives furthest away –
352. most hyper –
353. weirdest -
354. biggest pervert -
355. most annyoing –
356. shyest –
357. most things in common with you–

Do You Believe In...?

358. Heaven -
359. Hell -
360. Angels -
361. Devil -
362. God -
363. buddha -
364. aliens -
365. ghosts -
366. spirit (soul) -
367. soulmates -
368. reincarnation -
369. love at first sight -
370. love in general -
This Or That:

371. coke/pepsi –
372. boxers/briefs –
373. gold/silver –
374. vanilla/chocolate -
375. flowers/candy –
376. book/magazine -
378. tv/radio -
379. glass half empty/half full -
380. democrat/republican –
381. colored pencils/markers -
382. coffee/tea –
383. sun/moon –
384. day/night -
385. hot/cold –
386. dog/cat –
387. button/zipper -
388. cotton/feather pillow -
389. blue/purple -
390. jeans/shorts -
391. mechanical/regular pencil -
392. romantic comedy/thriller -
393. peanut butter/jelly -
394. waffles/pancakes –
395. letter/email –
396. florida/california –
397. pizza/burgers -
398. football/rugby -
399. movie at home/in theater –

First Thing You Think Of When You Hear:

400. yellow -
401. red lipstick -
402. socks – shoes
403. moulin rouge –
404. harry potter –
405. red -
406. blackberry –
407. rose –
408. rooster -
409. lollipops -
410. dreams -
411. love -
412. penguins –
413. death –
414. spoons –
415. junk mail -
416. dairy –
417. pizza -
418. vitamin –

Random 3

419. Have you ever eaten a bug?
420. What color is your underwear?
421. Ever given/ gotten head?
422. What was the last thing you screamed at someone while walking backwards?
423. Do you have a favorite color?
424. Is there someone (a girl/guy) that u like right now?
425. Are you single, taken, confused, or other?
426. How many bf/gf have you had since u were 13?
427. Who is the 20th person on your friends list that’s signed on right now?
428. What school do you go to?
429. Do your feet smell?
430. Do you wear uggs with or without socks?
431. Have you ever skinny dipped in a lake or the ocean?
432. Ever ran naked through a church parking lot?
433. What are the first 3 letters of your first name and the last letter of your last name?
434. Who's the funniest person you know out of your friends?
435. Why do you think they call it a asteroid when its falling in the hemisphere and a hemorrhoid when its coming out of your butt?
436. Do you like poptarts?
437. Are you random a lot?
438. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
439. Do blondes really have more fun?
440. Do you watch The Simpsons?
441. Do you have more than 10 toes?
442. Do you know anyone named Rufus?
443. Do you have more than 200 friends on myspace? more than 700? more than 1000?
444.Do you know everyone on your friends list?
445. Is f**k the best word ever?
446. Do you have a mole in a weird place on your body?
447. What are you wearing right now?
448.Have any scary dreams last night?
449. How many ants do you think make up a colony?
450. What’s your favorite sport to watch or play?
451. What word sounds weird when you're high?
452. Do you get embarrassed easily?
453. Did you ever get soap put into your mouth as punishment when you were little? 465. Ever cursed at your parents before the age of 9?
454. Are you a rebel?
455. Do you have friends on a different continent?
456. Ever farted or fallen on stage in front of a huge crowd of people?
457. How much gold do you have now?
458. How long did it take you to take this quiz?

User Comments: [1] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 04:08pm
3nodding rofl nice journal i lioke what u did

User Comments: [1] [add]
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