Jack: gonk GREAT! I am gonna be killed by a fictional character!! ( at the moment he is in the car w/ Uncle Arthur, who I may add isn't a great driver by any means sweatdrop )
UA: HAH! I know! 3nodding xd
He was so funny...anyway, last night I was bored and tired and not to mention dreading sitting the next day, so I wrote this poem. IT SUX! sad But it was first poem in such a while it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would.
Cruel am I
What am I turning into?
Everythings wrong
can't I do anything right?
This world's full of temptations
cruelties and distracions
the black night howls at me!
I can't sleep
noises ringing and rattling in my empthy head
Such a sad lonliness inside of me
It tears at me
it hurts me
swallows me whole
and engulfs me
I wish my love would find me
sweet love
dare I wish to hold you
My dreams of you how I charish them
And most of all I loathe those people who surround me..
Anger becomes too strong
Fire wells within this empty chamber
Not even the sweetest tear of hope can remedy
Life is cruel...to some illusion of mind
But I...
I am cruel
My hatred is my enemy
The noises around me infuriates me!
Please no more sympathy..
Let my tears drown me
Tears of self-centered pain, self inflicted lonliness, and my own pent up confusion...be my grave..
Let me repent
all my sins
In the darkest bowells of Hell.
~ Imaginary angel
I added stuff to it so, it seems better...UK! I was drawing Hiei pictures last nigh t and I KILLED HIM! O MY BELOVED !! Sharpies are not the best substitute for a pencil. pirate
DM: are ye done yet Mistress of Death? question
S: Just about yes.
DM: Just a- wait, what MORE do you want to do? eek
S: * laughs* Hehe..I want to put a picture up of Hiei that I found a few days ago..It is so ...*sighs dreamily*
DM: * sighs and walks away*

HIEI - SAMA !! MY HUSBAND!! whee heart
Community Member
B:Sakura's gonna kill you........BUT I LOVE YOU!*glomp* heart 4laugh
J:...eep........ heart
Oh! Another pretty poem! 3nodding