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Umm a cupple of rants, poems, and maybe more..Dont know, but if you want to look, feel free
Alister Thatcher ( n e g a t i o n . t a c t i x// rp)
• •I think I'm drowning,{ asphyxiated } I wanna break this spell that » you've « created . . .
Our time is running out ! ! !

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» You're something { b e a u t i f u l }
a contradiction
I wanna { p l a y } the { game }
I want the f r i c t i o n

» You « will be the { d e a t h } of » Me «

Bury it,
I won't let » You « bury it . . .
I won't let » You « smother it . . .
I won't let » You « murder it . . .

Our time is running out ! ! !
» You « can't { P u s h } it underground
» You « can't { S t o p } it screaming out

How did it come to this . . ?

I wanted { f r e e d o m }
B o u n d and R e s t r i c t e d
I { t r i e d } to give » You « up
but I'm addicted

Now that » You « know I'm { T r a p p e d }
sense of E l a t i o n
You'd never dream of
{ B r e a k i n g } this fixation . . .

Yeah, » You « will { S q u e e z e }
the { L i f e } out of » Me «

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞

'I'm still here...these same four walls...Nothing's changed...’

Alister vacantly had pondered, as he pushed passed the sheet that covered his upper half with his right arm and reached out rather absently. His arm stretched out it’s full length, with his hand just in plain sight. His fingers twitched and wiggled, cracking ever now and then from the swift and sudden movements. Dark orbs, almost as deep s pool of blue as the eerie waters of the ocean that indeed frightened him quite a bit, gazed onward rather impassively toward this early morning stretching. Sadly, it had yet to cease to amaze him how long him and his comrade had been kept under surveillance in the court’s headquarters. It sounded rather like an over exaggeration of the truth, sure enough, but when one was faced with the realization a human would have in this situation then it would seem appropriate. This firm yet unwanted grasp of knowing that you were at the mercy of someone who had the upper hand at all times, with numerous followers who are just diligently awaiting the signal that would allow them to penetrate your skin with their pearly white fangs and drain you of your very life source. It was terrifying, true enough, yet one under these harsh realities couldn’t allow such things to faze them. They had to be tough, as hard as it can be from time to time, they had to realize just how important it was not to let all of this intimidate them. Alister had yet to worry about his fellow comrade who had most likely have had this thought cross their mind at least once if not multiple times. Though he slightly doubted him self at times, for he didn’t want to believe this stereotype. As much as the guild had not favored Alister’s judgment on what they would considered an inferior and disgusting race, he wished not to associate them with a cliché version of what those who knew of vampires thought of them as. Low life, blood sucking, scoundrels. In general, humans and vampires were the same, yet so many refused to admit that similarities exist. Though Alister wanted to believe that not all the vampires here would kill a human without second guessing their decision to do so, he wasn’t just some ordinary human. He was the leader of the guild, an organization that opposed their own. So he was different from any other human, like his fellow comrade, he was most likely an infuriating symbol to any vampire that knew enough of the guild and their recent foolishness.

Yes, Alister wasn’t afraid to admit that what they had done by capturing the court’s elders was foolish! If he could miraculously find away to rewrite the wrongs that had been committed, Alister would have done everything that the power of his position allowed him to for none of this to result in the way it had. Yet his lack of authority he held when conjuring up some plan against the court, despite the fact he was totally opposed to the whole idea, he couldn’t help but allow the others to do as they wished. They knew more about this then he did and as a leader, he didn’t want any struggle or conflict between him and the other council members. The worst mistake of his life to ever think that. Every time he looks back at that evening, he wished he could have taken a hold of the reins, putting his foot down in order to stop something that could have resulted in more dire consequences. But no, he refused to come between the councils ideals and let them reek havoc amongst the vampire community. He feels even more responsible for the elders being held hostage back within the guilds headquarters, even more so the death of one of them. If only he could have stopped that from happening, if only he could have foreseen such events and taken the liberty to assert his rights as a leader. But again, Alister didn’t. Though he could beat him self up about it a million and one times, but it still wouldn’t change the fact that what’s done is done and that now he had more important things to worry about. Such as his fellow council member locked away else where and how long they would be held here. Let alone kept alive. Sure he herd of this whole trade off, but still, there was that nagging voice in the back of his head that told him to watch his back or neck, if he wanted to be stereotypical about it.

Allowing his arm to finally plop back down beside him, being as awake as he was going to get this early in the morning Alister rose up from the bed. The sheer white sheets hugging his lean figure as it took him a moment or two to fully gain focus and fully receive some form of motivation to slid off the edge of the bed and up on his feet. Ever since he had been held captive, Alister’s internal clock set a new alarm that became accustom to the time the king would venture in. Alister normally wasn’t an earlier riser, he wasn’t that bad of a morning person, but he wasn’t fond of waking up early. To him, early was anytime nine thirty, though he didn’t have a clock handy. Though , if he were guess give or take the past few days he had been getting up early by him self, he would have said it was anywhere between eight or eight fifteen. Shuffling across the rather small room in nothing more then a pair of navy blue boxers and a white t-shirt, Alister made his way to the even smaller restroom. It was small and there was much to it that would make it extravagant, as if anything bathroom should be. But it took care of the essential needs of anyone’s morning routine. Alister learned to make such things rather quick, since he was use to the king’s rather annoying early arrivals. Having taken care of those needs, he sat back down on the rather decently sized bed. There wasn’t much to the room at all, as if there needed to be for someone who was only being held hostage. The bed and what Alister had had with him at the time of being dragged here, that wasn’t considered a weapon mind you, was all he had. It didn’t really matter, but there really wasn’t much more to do then wait. His gaze was fixated on the floor, every now and then watching his faded black jean covered sway into his view. It almost seemed like an eternity before Alister arose from where he had seated him self. It was a thought, but he wondered if the door had been locked the previous night and if it was, could he somehow manage to trick the lock to open. The chances weren’t in his favor for anything, but who knows.

Alister jiggled the door knob frantically about a thousand and one times, slamming his shoulder against the solid inanimate obstacle while pleading to what ever entity that watched over his sorry soul that the lock would give, before he admitted defeat. Alister’s head slumped forward, his forehead lightly tapping the cool solid structure he so wished he could have ripped from it’s hinges. ‘Well…It was worth a shot…’He inwardly sighed with much disappointment. Though he should have known better by now then to keep his hopes up that high for something so meager as a lock to give way, when it’s soul purpose was to uphold as much pressure and abuse as mortally possible. Alister turned his back to the offending obstacle blocking his path, pressing his back up against it while sliding downward, his rear end connecting with the floor with a soft thud. ‘You a**... What am I suppose to do?!’ Alister vocally groaned, once again in some sheer form of defeat, as he leaned his head forward into the palm of his hand. It had been the one day Alister’s finally gave into his internal clocks constant nagging to awaken and be at least somewhat decent before the king of the Court, and the man wasn’t even around! Normally Alister wouldn’t have cared, since the fact was he didn’t like this knowledge of having little to no privacy from the time he was greeted by the king, which was usually rather early, to the time he rested his head upon his pillow to enter a deep slumber. He wasn’t fond of constantly being under some form of supervision, he didn’t appreciate the fact that at least one certain person would have their keen watchful sight on him at nearly all times. It down right disturbing, then again Alister was never fond of being center of attention for longer then he could control. So one couldn’t blame the guy for finding his situation for the past week or so, rather nerve wrecking. Though the likely hood of Alister allowing something as such to faze him was slim to none. Could it have been a pride issue? Perhaps, but it was best not to make things much more difficult then they should have been.

Alister’s gaze traveled around the same bland four walls he spent hours on end staring at when he was without the company of the king and or one of his lackey’s or when he was gradually waking up in the morning and or finally settling down to catch up on some well needed rest. His earlier thought had struck him once more, what was he going to do? Obviously there wasn’t much he could do, but wait. Lord forbid that he was given some form of entertainment, then again he was a mere hostage. A captive that was meant to wait for his captor’s arrival. Well, as much as Alister should have found some reason to be overwhelmingly upset about this factor, he couldn’t blame the guy. He was only looking out for his kinds safety if not his own, which was understandable. Maybe Alister was to forgiving? No, the king gave him absolutely no reason to be infuriated at him. Well, minus the fact that it was because of him that Alister was in this situation, but those were minor details. He had yet to show Alister any valid reason beside the minor detail, of why he should hate the king as a person. The man could hardly be subjected to being called vulgar or down right cruel, at least in Alister’s eyes. Though he was quite sure the king’s peers would back him up on that statement, well that is if they weren’t anti-human activists. Sure enough , that would most likely be the more depressing side of reality toward this, but it didn’t really matter. At least the king gave vampires a more realistic sense, well as far as Alister had seen. There hardly was anything cliché about the way he acted toward others, though Alister could be wrong. Only he had been in the kings company for quite sometime and as much as he hated the mans eyes constantly glancing in his general direction, Alister did actually enjoy the company. That is until the king would start to act rather suspicious around him. Well maybe that was the wrong choice of an adjective, but the man truly gave Alister the creeps from time to time by the way he seemed to treat him every so often. It was odd, but it was almost like he was seeing someone else instead of his court’s rival leader. Alister wasn’t sure what circumstances brought such a absurd point of view, though he wasn’t aware of what his father had once meant to the king. That was one missing puzzle piece that could been mildly useful knowledge, but Alister lacked it.

Nevertheless, Alister’s day was in the clutches of the court’s king, who was doing a mighty fine job at taking his sweet and seemingly valuable time. Though speaking of the devil him self, figuratively speaking of course, it was almost like Alister pray had been answered. It had been faint, but Alister could just barely make out the sound of someone drawing near to the door he sat so casually up against. His head perked up at the sound of something penetrating the lock of the door. A small, yet audible click, signaled the release of the lock and the sense of which the door could be opened. ’About time…’ Alister choose to inwardly say, rather then leave that out in the open. Last thing he wanted was to get to get on the bad side of his captor. That wouldn’t be fancy nor would it end pretty. Alister scooted out of the way, his back still toward the entrance of the room, only this time his back had been up against the way. He was just expecting the king to walk on in. Sometimes he did, sometimes he didn’t. It all depended, but instead he got a slight knock and rather shocking apology. Alister wasn’t really expecting one, there wasn’t really anything to apologies about! Sure Alister had been up for the past two hours due to the constant routine of being woken up somewhere around eight and or eight thirty in the morning, but it still didn’t really matter much. It wasn’t like Alister had the choose to come and go from this room as he pleased. “No you think?” Alister said loud enough, though with a major lack of unenthused. Sure he accepted the apology, even though he still believed it was unnecessary, but he wasn’t about to dwell on it even longer then need be. “Oh yes! You should be sorry, because it’s so painful for me to sit on my lazy a** for an hour or so all by my lonesome.” Alister couldn’t keep a straight face with that comment surprisingly and chuckled to him self. Hopefully the king didn’t take him seriously, because Alister had wanted out so badly.

Hah, ready? That was a good question.“When have I ever been?” Alister asked rhetorically as he stood up and tugged at the bottom of his t-shirt. Alister then slowly, but surly opened to door, as if cautious that something was going to jump in at him. Well he didn’t know, it be plausible, but then again he highly doubted it. Still, it was better to be safe then sorry sometimes. He had greeted the king with a light smug grin, which didn’t last to long. It had only been relevant for a moment or two before it worked its way into a soft smile. “Good morning.” Alister said, almost as if his sarcastic remarks hadn’t left his lips at all. That’s just the way Alister was. He could spew sarcastic statements left and right, sometimes slightly rude ones that weren’t intentionally meant to be, but in general his he was more kind then that afterwards. Though Alister didn’t really mind his tongue around d anyone. He said what he wanted, when he so desired. Even if the time wasn’t right, he did. That just fell hand and hand with his bluntness and his over powering belief of freedom of speech.

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞

• •Yeah, you will { S u c k } the life out of » ME «
How did it come to this . . ?

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