A/N: My damn Ipod's pissin' me off, s, i'm off to write another chapter, one to both today!!! biggrin
Chapter 12
"It looks more like a damn circus tent then a gym." Olivia said in disbelief. There, in a dome-shaped fashion, riddled with stripes of red, yellow and orange, stood the Cerulean Gym, a giant Dewgong carved out above the main entrance. "No worries," Kuro said smugly, "Me and Treecko got this down pack!" Treecko began to thump it's chest in mocking strength. "What's gonna happen when Treecko takes a fall?" Olivia asked, "you forget that some Water types are also Ice types, and tend to have a wicked advantage over Grass types." "Again, no worries," Kuro said, even more confident and pig-headed then last time. He pulled out a Pokeball from his belt and threw it into the air, out popped Magikarp wearing a freaky-looking device on it's head. "What on God's green Earth is that?" Olivia asked in confusion. "It's known as a Exp. Share," Kuro explained, "You see, without even entering the battle, Magikarp will gain some valuable experiance." He patted Magikarp on it's head, it seemed to smile in gratitude, "You see, me and Magikarp have been training all night, one more level and Magikarp will evolve into the all mighty Gyarados!" Kuro made a hand movement as he explained to show how big Magikarp would get. "I've been doing my research, the gym leader's got two Pokemon, Staryu and Starmie. Staryu is simpily a Water type, no real difference, Treecko will wipe the floor with that puny thing. Starmie is a Water and Psychic Type, and the first move Gyarados learns is Bite, a Dark type move. Last I checked, Dark types have the advantage over Psychic types." Kuro and Olivia began walking up to the gym, "I thought that Bite was a normal type move." "Yea, apparntly, they changed that after the Johto Pokemon were discovered and Pokemon like Houndour and Umbreon were discovered."
Inside the Gym was like a gigantic aquarium, there were giant fish tanks lining the walls. Inside were tropical fish and Pokemon, Horsea, Luvdisc, Gorebyss, Dewgong, Cloyster, like a museum of Water types. Eventually Olivia and Kuro staggered into a room with a giant pool in the center of it, bleachers lined both sides of the gym. Countless foam boards floated on the waters surface. In the water was a red-head girl, swimming next to a Psyduck in a inner tube. "Could this be the-". Before Olivia could finish, Kuro was diving into the pool and swimming over to the Psyduck and giving it a big squeeze. "He's so cool!" Kuro squealed as the red-head swam over. "You think so? Psyduck's been with me for a long while, but nobody ever thought more of him then a nuiscence." Kuro shook his head, "Naw, I love Psyduck!" He give Psyduck another squeeze, "They always made me feel smart." Kuro stopped and gave the girl a nice long look, "you're Misty, the Curulean Gym Leader no?" The girl nodded, I am the gym leader, are you here for a challange?" Kuro nodded, "Yes, me and my friend Olivia," He pointed to her, "are here to win a badge!" Misty chuckled, "Okay, but don't cry when I beat you!"
The Trainer's took their mount, and with a flick of the wrist, two Pokeballs were sent flying through the air, one popped Treecko, the other Staryu. "Wow, guess Kuro knew what he was talking about," Olivia mumbled. "Two on two sound good?" Misty called out. "Fine with me, let's do this!" Kuro replied. A bell signified the start of the battle and Staryu jumped into the water. "Treecko, clasp the board you're standing on!" Treecko braced itself onto the board, ready for anything to happen. "Staryu, flip the board!" Staryu hit the board so hard that it flipped, leaving Treecko underwater, still holding the board. Kuro smirked, "Now! Absorb!" Treecko pushed off of the board, grabbed Staryu, and threw it above the water. Treecko landed back on the board, glowing a greenish hue, the Absorb had landed it's mark. Staryu hit the water with a splash, then floated to the surface, obviously down and out. Misty withdrew Staryu, and threw a second Pokeball. Out popped Starmie in a white flash. Treecko began to shine a bright white color, and withen moments, was a completely different Pokemon. Kuro beamed, Treecko had evolved into Grovyle! A second bell dinged, signifying the battle had begun again. "Grovyle! Grab Starmie and use Fury Cutter as much as possible!" Grovyle, in a incredible burst of speed, grabbed Starmie and clung to it. As Starmie began to try to shake it off, Grovyles forelimbs began to glow a sickly green color and began to grow larger and sharper looking. It began pounding Starmie as fast as it could. "Starmie! Shake it off!" It was too late, Grovyle had taken out Starmie as quick as a flash. Kuro grinned, "BADGE NUMBER TWO IS OURS!!!!" Grovyle flashed a thumbs-up and flashed a toothy grin, it's teeth sparkling from the lights.
Misty handed Kuro the Cascade Badge after the match, it was in the shape of what appeared to be a rain drop. He flashed it to Olivia and grinned pig-headedly. "Bet'cha wish you had one." Olivia shook her head, "Watch it, or you'll get smoked one of these days." "Yea, yea says you." Kuro antagonized, "You still have to win your badge." Misty held up a hand, "Not today though, my Pokemon are worn, maybe tommarow however." Olivia nodded, "Deal." Misty winked at Kuro and walked off. Kuto stood there, confused, and partially disgusted. Olivia shook her head, "Boy, you sure can talk, but the second somethin' happens, you turn stiff as a board." She laughed as she walked off, she had one night to prepare, she needed to find a Grass type, or else she'd fail to survive against Misty and her powerful Water types.
A/N: Pretty fast update eh? I think I'm pickin' up speed. Well, you know the drill, read, comment, support, criticism, marriage proposals etc. etc.
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