Anyways, when I was younger, I used to read and watch alot of X-men type stuff. Recently, a co-worker of mine brought up the fact that X-men: The Movie 3 will be coming to theaters. So, I go check it out on-line and sure enough- the movie comes out next May. (He's alittle excited...) And guess what I found out!? Gambit is going to appear in the movie! Aiiee! Hearts for Gambit. He was the best X-man. Anyways, the new X-man game is going to be coming out as well. I'm not having a field day like my co-worker about it, but I can't wait to see who plays Gambit. The only other movies I am looking forward to is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory along with FF:Advent Children. Did you know that 98% of horror movies suck? Thats why you should go to see War of the Worlds. If you don't like horror moives, rush out and see it today.
Meg Dintch Community Member |
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