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A penny for Smurfette's thoughts?
HI there! The name is Smurfette and I love to write! I am a published poet and am pretty darn good at writing short stories. So maybe...just maybe...you will cough up a shiny penny to read it! lol
<3 RP characters. Organized and updated <3
Ok, just for organisation's sake, I'm posting my many Olivia's here:

Note: I almost ALWAYS play my character with blond hair and blue eyes despite the picture. But every now and then i will revert to something different.

~~OH and since "everyone" seems to be journal rp picking errr pick a picture and pm me I guess.

Military and War



First in command for the human army

Half human Half Angel



Her father a hardcore servant of the military. He mother a loving and caring angel of this planet. Together they had little Olivia. Bound with small feathery wings, pale skin, and her father's deep brown eyes. Her mother died during child birth, leaving only a small flute to accompany her with as she left. Her father had taken care of her as much as he could have. He trained her in the ways of his best military forms. His wife's death leaving him to make sure nothing happened to his only little girl. But Olivia always had other things on her mind. She held her mother's spirit; Free, compassionate, caring, and very motherly. This accumulated nature left her wander and explore everything and anything.

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Varies by timeline

Ultimate healing powers she rarely uses and military training

Medieval/Animal Intelligence
*currently played with Sgiraffe and Tailord

Olivia Lockeheart


First in command for the Kershek army

Animalistic race with the born defect of a human body



Bio: I've got two different ones

~ Olivia, along with her trusted brother Fuzzball, are both disgraced and banished royalty from the animal kingdom of Kershek. Her older bother is a small mouse and unfitting for the crown in their father's eyes. Olivia is no different, in fact, she holds more shame for she resembles the opposing enemy of humans. She can speak on different frequencies and studied the human language endlessly. Unlike her bother she can speak to all animals, he can only communicate with Olivia through their connected thoughts and squeaks. For now They either wanders or is sent on an impossible mission with the King's hopes they will never return.

~ This Olivia is another military bound woman. Futuristic timeline, she comes from another animal world. The floating planet of Kershek. The land had been once a thriving jungle filled with animals, that was until it was invaded by the humans. Before them there had no use for technology or war. Social Darwinism still thrived for the barbaric lands, dominated by a large group of carnivores. Eventually uncontrollable interbreeding entwined with the two races. Concoctions of reptilian, feline, and many other senses raised in this new breed. The most respected were the ones whom resembled the original human race. They are who ran the army, the government, and the animal people below. Olivia is the head commander and leader of Kershek.

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Varies by timeline, but invisible armor, a dagger, and a small pistol is usually mandatory

With animal insiticts she has eyes that focus at completely different ranges. Nightvision, and being able to see atmoic structure in any material. Retractable claws and military training as well


"Kershek has found its new home." A young voice whispered as her enhanced gaze settled on the floating planet. Kershek, the land had been once a thriving jungle filled with animals, that was until it was invaded by the humans. Before them there had no use for technology or war. Social Darwinism still thrived for the barbaric lands, dominated by a large group of carnivores. When the humans filtered into their lands the food chains collapsed. Chaos and horror filled the land, yet one ounce of good came from these trespassers. The crowning glory of technology was a communication device that was wedged into every "animal" of this planet. Now, due to this device, animals took on the intellectual value of humans. They could walk, talk, and even charm. Eventually uncontrollable interbreeding entwined with the two races. Concoctions of reptilian, feline, and many other senses raised in this new breed. The most respected were the ones whom resembled the original human race. They are who ran the army, the government, and the animal people below. Functioning just as they did on Earth, eventually the jungles dispersed and the needed materials to sustain life were scarce. The lives of this race had founded a new planet, Hope, and that was just what it gave the people. An animal army formed, ready to take control of their last hope. Olivia shifted her eyes from the telescope and faced her most decorated commanding officers. "Today we take what is ours gentlemen. Break out the wine. Tonight we celebrate our impending victory."

Rebellios royalty
*Currently playing with Demwolflrd heart Current favorite rp

Olivia Lockeheart (shocking eh?)


Princess of Riana

Purebreed Angel



Her appearance varies by her day to day life. As princess she proposes her self as quiet and proper lik her stepmother wishes. Much like her younger sister, Diana, she is a free spirit. But there always was a difference between them. She had taken some acting about getting outside these walls. Deep in the night she would climb over the walls and watch the angelic legions prepare for battle. She watched them with facination. A part of her wishing she would be one of them. Knowing that her famous bright blue eyes may give her away, she instead watched them train and joined them. Disiplining herself to be better than any soldier that she watched. She also has younger brother that goes by the name of Khyber. She loves them both dearly.

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A small water bound dagger and a sword stolen from a sleeping lengionair

Secretive military training

Starter (Forced marrige type)

Olivia held a slender finger to her lips. A small mouse, by which she affectionately named Fuzzball, had followed her outside when it was her training night. "I told you not to follow me big guy." She gently patted his furry head. "I have to go train, you know I have to." The small mouse looked up at her with its warm brown eyes in a almost pleading way. "Don't give me that look. You know its for the better." With that she turned her heel and disappeared into the shadows of the great wall. Finding her old place, completely out of site of everyone near or inside the castle, Olivia climbed the wall with her stepping stones she had placed long ago. She knew she could fly up, thanks to her wings, but to do so would gather too much attention. "Any attention at this point would be suicide." She thought with a grim smile. Finally she reached the top to see her legions, all training for the battle ahead. She seemed to hover above them all, the wall being so high. She watched them closely as she peeled away the layers of her royal clothes. A tight stealth uniform, borrowed from a sleeping legionair, now graced her angelic skin. "Princess time is over." She whispered and copied the harsh and grueling movements of her men down below.

After a few hours of intensive training, the legions had dissipated into their tents. With a grunt Olivia laid herself flat against the cool wall. She could feel the victorious trickle of sweat run down her temple. She had trained well. Just then she heard a familiar cry. "Oliiiiiivia?" No doubt it was her. The elden woman claimed to be her mother. Apparently something of great importance was happening inside the castle. "Probably something so silly too. She's always making me go to these prim and proper things." A small frown appeared on her angelic face as she peeked her head over the side of the wall. Down below her siblings were also chanting her name, her "mother's" voice the only one irritating enough to reach her hears. Looking below on her she found her siblings a wise smile appeared. She felt like she had taught them well enough, though they both were very different from her. With a shake of her head Olivia picked herself up. "Shower time." She said with as giddy smile and lifted her fluffy white wings to pull her into the sky. Shielded by the clouds, Olivia knew she had no worries about being spotted. She entered a fluffy white cloud and stayed inside it. The fluffy white moisture caressing her skin of her sweaty labor. She undid a bound that held her long golden curls in place and let the thick mist whisk away everything that needed to be. Satisfied Olivia brought herself away from the clouds and landed silently onto her old place. Slipping into her royal dress Olivia blew a kiss to her men, already inside to munch on their afternoon lunch rations. "Goodbye." She whispered and started her silent decent down the wall. She couldn't risk not speaking with her dear siblings... and apparently her mother.

Once she stepped down off her last step Olivia sped after her closest sibling, Diana. She was a sweet younger sister whom always had her head in the clouds. Tis what Olivia loved about her the most. Diana reminded her of herself when she was that age. Olivia already knew she would do anything to protect that innocence in both her siblings. Diana looked at her with delighted thought curious eyes. "Olivia we have been calling for you for so long. Where have you been?" Olivia shrugged her shoulders. "Just reading." Diana nodded, then her eyes widened in another spark of glee. "What was it like?" She whispered. Olivia grinned secretively. All those of female race were not to know how to read and write this way the men had no competition. Truthfully that was the way Olivia saw it, but the"real" reason was so they stayed focused on the womanly tasks of housework. Even as the Oldest princess of Riana and enemy country to the demons, Olivia shuddered at the thought, women were not to learn such things. "Wonderful." Diana nodded and then turned to her search party, her mother and Kaleb. Olivia nodded to her younger brother and her mother, whom swiftly took her by the arm and shoved her into a carriage she hadn't even seen arrive. "What are you doing?" Olivia yelped. Her mother's high pitched nasally voice answered. "You are already late to see the prince you are bound to marry." Olivia nearly gasped then narrowed her eyes turning them a rageful deep blue. "You know what I feel about this." She hissed and pulled herself up straight on the lush cushions that were already bouncing along the dirt road. "I do not care. Peace must be made." Olivia crossed her arms and looked out the carriage's window. How this day had gone from secretive glory to the most dreaded moment of her life... Olivia found the bitter irony almost too tempting to laugh at.

*Never played

Olivia Lockeheart (shocking eh?)


Pirate captain




Olivia is a bound and overly bold pirate captain. She has a quick tongue and an even quicker hand for theiving. She is cunning and quick in nearly everyway and form. She worked on that ship since she was a little girl her father the captain and had grown up to follow in her father's footsteps. Her father long gone Olivi now runs her little ship. Good luck catchin her while she's in town.

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A small dagger (another shocker eh? )

Speed unmatched by anything


Olivia Lockeheart (shocking again)






Olivia is the youngest professor to ever grace the university. She learned at n amazingly fast pace and is as optomistic and upbeat as they come. I like giving her a military backround this way disipline isn't a factor. Being so young, Olivia stays in a dorm and usual shares with a student as a room mate. It makes things more interesting this way

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Her intensive vocabulary

Her umtached reading speed

]| Username |
Smurfette de Amore
| Character Name |
Olivia L. Syber
| Nicknames |
She was dubbed Angel by the numerous patients she has saved.
| Age |
| Gender |
| Profession |
Head nurse of the Mykenus army
| History |
Olivia had first decided to enter the medical field when her younger brother left for the war. At seventeen she threw herself into these studies, driven by the torturous thoughts that her brother could go uncared for. Her father had long passed away as a soldier and the sight of his funeral was more than she could bear. When her brother left her mother feel into the deepest depression. She would cry in the night, cursing that another of her family would be stolen from her. This was when Olivia sent herself to school. Her precious brother would not be taken.

Her main goal was to study the disease that had killed her father, hoping to find no trace it was genetic. As a student, she tried to find all of her father's medical records and was bluntly denied. To cover themselves they persuaded her to take action closer to the field to work with the most recently injured, dead, and dying. She had small nimble hands from her mother and, with her studies, she was able to settle more than double the amount of cases on a normal day. Despite her expertise, she was still referred to as head nurse, even though she could preform the quickest surgeries and amputations any man had seen. To compensate they had her climb quickly to the top of her small fleet. The title humbled her, despite the power that came with it.

Commanding stubborn surgeons and volunteer nurses was not the glorious victory that could be found outside their meager tents. Saving lives was her bound duty, but something still puzzled her. More than half the usual soldier were dropping dead. Not of battle wounds, but of implosions inside the body. The same disease that Olivia suspected murdered her father. Under the cover of night Olivia is now back into studying this mysterious disease. Hoping that she will never have to hold the hand of another hopeless diseased. Especially her brother.
| Personality |
Olivia was once optimistic, kind, and very naive. She was a bubbly character until that fateful day her father passed away. Burdened with a frail mother and a younger brother Olivia learned to reside on herself for anything. Olivia is held with a soft spot for any children and even considers her brother still one of them. He is her main drive for her continuing research. When her patients rest their lives in her hands she is level headed and almost overly calm. She rarely speaks when working, but when she does its never pretty. She is courageous and bold, rarely holding her tongue and overprotective to a fault. Some say it is because of the devastation in her life and others say its all for the brother she must hope to never see. In her line of work, if you see Olivia, your guardian angel is doing its job.
| Crush |
She doesn't have a crush... yet
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((Sample Laura))

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Panicked screams rang inside Olivia's ears. The madness ceased to end. Even hidden inside her "office" Olivia was stuck trying to fill out paperwork of the most recent body count. True her office was but a simple extension inside the medical tent, but Olivia preferred it this way. If any of her lesser staff managed to screw something up, Olivia didn't have to travel far to reconcile the situation. Her medical gear was just inside the creased flap of her door. Her gloves, mask, and even a few of her favorite scaples lay on a sterilized table. Olivia's hand shook as another blood curdling scream cried out. This one was young. He was screaming for his mother. Olivia winced and set her sapphire eyes on the paper on her desk. Ten men, coming on eleven, had died of the mysterious disease while several hundred had passed away this past month. The diseased numbers, with the ratio of the slaughtered dead, was not to raise eyebrows in any sort. For Olivia it did. Soldiers were hard enough to find as it was. Having eleven drop was still a devastating bow to their weakening supply of men.

Olivia curiously checked around herself, to make sure she was alone. Slowly, her hand reached under her desk to pull out a rather thick book and silently set it down. Suspicious, she checked again. No sign of her needed precence. Olivia nervously nibbled her lower lips before opening the elden book. Large words and pictures flooded her mind' eye. Genetics play an important role with immunity to any disease. Usually there can be one carrier of a disease that will withhold some type of immunity. With advancing technology its a possibility that this carrier's gene could be splice, multiplied, and then eventually provide a antidote to...

"Olivia! Olivia!" A young woman cried. Olivia tensed immediately, closed the book, and shoved it back into its hidden place. The woman's shadow was enlarging on the flap when she had her gloves and mask thoroughly strapped into place. A older nurse entered, her gloved hands covered in blood like some sick horror film.

"Whats the case now Darcy?" Olivia opened the flap and was speeding out with the older woman waddling close behind.

"What didn't happen!?" The woman cried out and put her face in her bloodied hands. Olivia winced with the sound of liquid pushing through the woman's closed fingertips. Darcy would be regretting that tonight when she quit today. Of course all nurses gave up the duty when they saw more than a gruesome wound. Olivia sighed as she found the bloodied boy, his frail body going into convulsions. As her hands set to work, from the corner of her eye she watched the burly woman leave. Sad... the woman was just hired this morning

Captured Elf Prince: The elf prince was slowly dragged forward in chains. The guards roughly pushed him into the kneeling position in front of the young princess. He was being given to her as a sign of peace from the elves. The princess looked down at her newest treasure and smiled...

*Neko Pet: All the young ladies eagerly gathered around as Lady Bella opened another present for her birthday. It was a simple envelope that was connected to a black studded collar with a bell on it. It read "The greatest gift is for your eyes alone." Bella waited eagerly until the party ended and ran up to her room where chained to her bed was a neko sleeping on a large black velvet pillow....

*Found Angel: Bella smiled as she wandered the park, it was late and a storm seemed to be on it's way, Bella blinked in confusion when she noticed something white fall to the ground. Her eyes widened as she neared the body and realized... it was an angel...

*Slave: Bella came home from a long day of school giggling excitedly as she abandoned her backpack and shoes at the door. She knew her slave would be waiting. She rang the silver bell that would summon him with drinks...

*Submissive Vampire: Bella's father one of the top vampire hunters smiled as he gazed down at his daughter "This is our most successful experiment, by dening this vampire blood for over a year he has become submissive to anyone and is no longer harmful by giving him your blood he will become yours and yours alone...

*Guard: Bella sighed as she set yet another book aside, she was always locked inside the house and she was forbidden to leave unless one of the guards agreed to go out with her. She grinned wickedly as she remembered how she 'persuaded' a guard to let her go out. She summoned one and got ready....

*Siren Seduction: Bella watched the young sailor (or captian) as he worked with his crew members, he was a fine human, not a type that she'd seen for awhile. She waited until he was alone before she began her sensual song...

*Sacrifice: The young boy was dragged through the bush and dirt by his fellow villagers and he was pushed onto a cold stone tablet. A supernatural being leaved near their little peaceful village, and sacrifices were made to make sure she left them alone, however this year instead of the usual horse, goat, and cattle, she had asked for a young male. Since he was an orphan he was the only choice he was bound to the rock and the villagers slowly left one by one...

*Wild Beast and Innocent Beauty: A young girl smiled as she walked through a sunny cheerful meadow. She bent over a flower to add it to her bouquet when a butterfly caught her attention. She smiled happily and ran after it, so caught up in her game she didn't realize she had followed it into the forbidden forest...

*Innocent Priest Seducing Angel: A dark angel smirked as she gazed into the simple church, the attractive priest had sent the last of the nuns to bed. She chuckled and slowly entered by the shadows, true she was an angel from heaven, but she wasn't one of the stiff divine ones, she was a dark angel, and angel who spent most of their time around humans. She waited until his back was turned before she blew out a few of the candles...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 28, 2008 @ 01:26am
hey i got a few ideas with what we could play on your pirate mrgreen

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