I don't know where I'm going with this so I'm just going to get to the point of why I made this entry.
I'm sorry that I haven't updated my Journal since the last time I've typed one up. (Which was back in.. August? Ew.) Lot's have things have happened since then like Christmas, and Thanksgiving. But those have passed and a new year approaches. I guess this is why I was going about time earlier, one second you're in August getting ready for school, and the next you're waiting for a new year.
Ugh, I'm bad at these, haha. I don't know how I'm supposed to be a writer someday if I can't even put my own thoughts down into a simple entry. Maybe it's becuase I'm confused about some things. That must mean I'm always confused. gonk
Anyway, before 2007 is up, I just wanted to give an update to everybody and say that I hope to become unlazy-er (I know that's not a word. It coule be a Resolution right?) and try to update more. Also, Happy Upcoming New Years!
Oh, [Whats_Her_Name] got me a cake for my birthday! Thanks!

(Damn I should have made a birthday Journal Entry) stressed
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