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So is written in the The black book a page to add to all other....




The invisibob. A rare glitch indeed. Dating back to April 2004, this glitch was obtained by having a deleted character, and then getting served. The outcome? A floating head and undergarments, glowing with what some call radioactive waste. Getting served was the process of opening a fake giftbox on April Fools day. Normally the avatar would become a sootface, but in this case, a glowing amputee.

[b]Rarity- ****/****[/b]

This is becuase if an invisibob were to save their avatar, they would instantly lose their invisibobishness. This means the current invisibobs havent saved their avatars for over a year. Pretty cool.

[b]Price in gold- Priceless[/b]
[b]Items needed- None[/b]
[b]Poses needed- Deleted Avatar[/b]

[color=red][b][size=18]-Bat Glitch-[/size][/b][/color]


The bat glitch. A funny glitch indeed. Ive seen it only once, and I laughed so hard. It was created by owning the Wooden Baseball Bat item and equipping it a certain way. The result is the baseball bat extending from the crotch in a humorous way. Some say WTF. I say awesome. The Baseball Bat Glitch is now gone, and it was made so the bat doesent extend from the crotch anymore. *posing is [b]myspoonistoobig[/b] *

[b]Rarity- ****/****[/b]
[b]Price in Gold- 3000 in the past/ Priceless Now[/b]
[b]Items Needed- Wooden Baseball Bat-Ian's Store[/b]
[b]Poses Needed- *NEED INFO*[/b]

[size=18]Robo-Hair Glitch[/size][/b][/color]

[img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/RoboGhostie.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/ROBO2.png[/img]

This is a fun, satisfying, and easy to do glitch. It occurs when you equip a Robot Head and wear it. Kazzam! You have the Robo- Hair Glitch. This is due to layering problems. People of note with it- marvin_derpressed and Robot Jones.

[b]Rarity- **/****[/b]
[b]Price in Gold- 750+[/b]
[b]Items Needed- The Robot Mask-Ruby's Store, Any Hairstyle- Vanessa's Store[/b]
[b]Poses Needed- Any Pose Works[/b]

[color=blue][b][size=18]Nakie Save Glitch[/size][/b][/color]

The Nakie Save Glitch. I even say this can be the most annoying glitch at times, as well as the most common. This happens when the Customization feature is down, and you save your avatar. You end up naked, unable to get back into your clothes until the feature is back up. This glitch can humble the most richest of gaians, and make them look like everyone else. I call it the apocolyptic nakie day.

[b]Rarity- */**** or ****/**** [/b]

This is because it can happen to everyone , but only on occasion. Thus I cant exactly give it a good rarity rating.

[color=green][b][size=18]Gift Box Glitch[/size][/b][/color]


O_O I spat out my soda after I saw this one , folks. It is truly disturbing, no offense, but man. Ow. Anyway, Im told this is caused by equipping The Gift , and something else. I am going to need much info here. *posing is [b]Irate Camel[/b]*

[b]Rating- ***/****[/b] I cant say for sure about this one yet.

[color=blue][size=18][b]Layering[/color] [color=red]Glitches[/color][/b][/size]

[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/WashuRight/Gaiaglitch.bmp[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/DoubleWing.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/Wolverine.png[/img][img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/Lyering.png[/img][img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/squkyshoes/glitch.bmp[/img]

This is probably the biggest glitch cluster of all. Layering problems occur when certain items overlap other items. Also, sometimes green residue can be found, like on the invisibob. Above is a mami hands glitch, a winged guitar glitch, a wolverine claws glitch, green residue, three arms. and an odd radio. I have found that most layering promblems occur with glove or hand items.
[b]*posing is Luna Mei, Furmen, XDvandalDJ, Spleen-Mage, Captain Drunken, and squkyshoes*[/b] - The reason it is half blue and half red is becuase some layering glitches are from the first avatar system, and people just havent changed their avatars.

[b]Rarity- */****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]Ghost Glitch[/b][/size][/color]

[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v625/GreenMon/b8ab8e052c43f84ccf4cbb751feca5cd.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/RoboGhostie.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/SEThGoastie.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/megoastie.png[/img]

This is one of my favorite glitches. It is very numerous, and there are many outcomes. First of all, any hairtype is shown outsode of the ghost sheet, second, many items are shown out of the ghost sheet, and third, this item is only 100 gold. Affordable glitch = this.
*posing is various peoples from this thread ,Except the pajama one-including me*

[b]Rarity- */****[/b]

[color=red][size=18][b]Home-Made Manties Glitch[/b][/size][/color]


This is the equivalent of Jolly Boots and Tuxedo Pants, I beleive. Equip em both- WHAM, it extreme glitchyness. this is from the old avatar system, I beleive, so its way in the past, but worth note. [color=green][b]It stil lives! Here is Voiceless_Cries with the glitch![/b][/color]

[b]Rarity- You have the same chance of getting 2 halos and 5 panda hats donated to you at the same time than finding this glitch alive. Lets call it that, shall we?[/b]

[color=red][size=18][b]The CrossDresser Glitch[/b][/size][/color]

[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v371/Blue_Winged_Angel/pics%20of%20my%20avi/Glitch%20Guild/store.png[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/kromkrom/2.png[/img]

All I can say is this- Ouch. I dont know how exactly this could happen but apparently it did. See what happens when you crossdress?

[b]Rarity- Ive never seen it so- ****/****[/b]

[color=red][size=18][b]Messed Up Arm[/b][/size][/color]


The messed up arm glitch. This glitch was common in December last year, I forget how it came about being made, but it deserves a spot up here. It can make you look like youre touching yourself. Seriously.

[b]Rarity- I havent seen one in ages- ***/****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]Missing Chunk Glitch[/b][/size][/color]

[img]http://peyo.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/24/87/2487650f5ec36db8292ee8eff7151fc6.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/MissingCHyunk.png[/img][img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/MissingChunk3.png[/img]

This is an interesting glitch indeed. It seems that while equipping some items, there is a white residue left on the items, which overlays the other clothes, causing chunks to be missing. The second example up here is a makeshift deviltale as one user calls it. Intruiging.

[b]Rarity- **/****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]The Fly/Pingu/Snowman/Gift/Robot Glitchs[/b][/size][/color]

[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v420/Rain-claws/Pinguhands.png[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v420/Rain-claws/Pantsbutnofeet.png[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v420/Rain-claws/Snowmanhand.png[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v625/GreenMon/1796ddff6ed1aee7af72fcfcdb78b2a9.png[/img]

These are some of the glithiest items on gaia. They are all items that take up your whole body, which makes sense. Layering can be a huge glitch gold mine on gaia. X3 Which means more for me.

[b]Rarity- */****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]The Bag-Hair Glitch[/b][/size][/color]


This is a sometimes subtle glitch that can make your avatar look truly odd. It happens with any hairstyle, and any of the Face Bag thingies. Shady Tradesman is posing here- WARDROBE MALFUNCTION!

[b]Rarity- */****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]Green Background Glitch[/b][/size][/color]


This is an occasional, random glitch (I had it once) That makes your avatar's entire background turn green. It is an advanced layering problem that you can usually fix my changing your avatar and saving it.

[b]*posing is Malocide*[/b]

[b]Rarity- **/****[/b]

[color=blue][b][size=18]Leg Warmer + Tail Glitch + Shoes[/size][/b][/color]

[img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/LegWarmierTail.png[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/ChainKirby/PinkieSwae5.png[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/Sakun/e0235cbd.png[/img]

I have figured out the formula for the cutting off of the tail. Leg Warmers + any Tail Item + SHOES = Huge line through part of the tail. Layering? Probably. [b]*THANK YOU KAGKO FOR SENDING ME THIS*[/b]

[b] *posing is Pinkie Swear ,Psycadelic Vertigo Trip, and Kagko*[/b]

[b]Rarity- **/****[/b]

[color=red][size=18][b]Naked Ghostie[/b][/size][/color]

Ive been looking for an active user with this for a long time, and then they are the ones who come here! Amazing! This is an old glitch from the first avatar system. The first avatar system was SUPER glitchy. This is one of the outcomes. Bald and slightly naked? O_o;;

[b]Rarity- ****/****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]The Burning Theory (becuase he should have a glitch named after him)[/b][/size][/color]

Perhaps the glitchiest items on gaia? Who knows. All I know is that it is a layering problem, its named after a helper here, and it makes me , and many others, look like crap. This is what causes one Headwinged angels, and half an arrow in your head.This is the cause of many items to be corrupted. I have found out this from stufying many different avatars. XD Im awesome, I know. The Item is the Pengu mask....

[b]Rarity- */****[/b]

[size=18][b][color=green]Green Laurel Sparkle[/color][/b][/size]


Ah. The Green Sparkle. It was common I beleive august last year. I havent figured out if they fixed it or it came back, but apparently, its back with more green layering sparkles.
[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3496926]VO talks about it.[/url]

VO posted about it in late august. This is still a cool layering glitch you should know about.

[b]Rarity- ****/****[/b]

[color=red][size=18][b]The Float-e Ghost-e[/b][/size][/color]


I have no idea if this is a glitch or its normal. Ive been getting mixed responses, but Im guessing this is a glitch. Its cool like that. If this is the way a real ghost was supposed to look like , it would probably sell for more than 100 gold. ^^

[b]Rarity- ****/****[/b]

[size=18][color=red][b]Shadow Hoods[/b][/color][/size]


This is an old glitch that I finnally put up. It is with the hooded sweatshirts, if you were to put one on back in the old days, sometimes you would get this outcome. It depends on the items you put with it, Im guessing. (posing is P o p o )
[b]SEND ME MORE HOODIES VIA PM! I cant track em down in this thread, it would take forever.[/b]

[b]Rarity- ****/****[/b]

[b][size=18][color=red]The Best Thing Since Invisibob or Invisbone[/color][/size][/b]


Its the best thing since the Invisibob..Its like Sliced Invisibob..or Canned Invisibob..Its super cool. Its the Dragon Helm equipped as a belt!! And now its unobtainable..fixed by the admins..there goes a great glitch in history..
Many groups have now called it Invisbone.... +_+

And in the famous words of Akuma Mauo, [b]"WTF?! It looks like you ate an M80!"[/b]

[b]*posing is somebody and Malee*[/b]

[b]Rarity- */****[/b]

[color=blue][size=18][b]The Eyes of the Dragon Glitch[/b][/size][/color]


This is like mixing a flesh eating dragon with a cute bunny..wait..thats exactly what it is. Oh well. Its like mixing Gambino with Von Helson..or Gino with Happiness..or [b]Me with a Nightmare Scarf.[/b] [b]Pshaw. Never would happen.[/b] [b](subliminal donation to me message)[/b]
[b]*posing is Tuxedo Douche ,Buttsecks O_o and Lite-Brite*[/b]

[color=red][b]Send me any new glitches or info you have! Ill put it up here if It is needed.[/b][/color][/align]

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