User Image They ran over to her, Kochriu flew her to heavens and told Hermione "Come back after you help those kittens",Hermione did as she was told and returned to the heavens eventually Haruka survived her face exspression was a little scary but it wouldn't change. Kochriu tried to take the vines off her but suddenly the vines whipped her, Hermione ran over and sliced the vine. The vines came back together, Haruka stared at them. Then she standed up she touched both girl's forehead and they fell asleep. "How weak, I was thinking more of a challange",said Haruka as she picked up KiKi and CoCo. She walked through the heavens and. . . To Be Continued. . .

Ages: Hermione 21, Kochriu 16, Hakura 7.