smile Card Captor Sakura is a continuing Japanese comic series which began serializing in a girl's monthly magazine, Nakayoshi, since June 1996. A 70-episode TV animation series was aired during 1998-2000. The first movie was premiered in the summer of 1999 in Japan. A 2nd movie was released in theaters in July 2000 in Japan.
The story of Card Captor Sakura (CCS) involves the daily life of a gradeschooler named Sakura Kinomoto. She found a book called, 'The Clow,' in the basement of her house. It contains magical cards called, 'Clow Cards,' which she scattered all over town by accident. With the help of the Beast of the Seal, Kerberos (or Cerberus), Sakura began her adventures to retrieve the cards in order to prevent a disaster...
hope you have some interest on it smile smile
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I do not have a mansion, and I haven't any land,
Not even one dollar to crinkle in my hand.
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.
I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things,
But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings,
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.
Seven golden daffodils, all shining in the sun,
They light the way of evening, when our day is done.
And I can give you music, and a crust of bread,
A pillow of piney boughs to rest your head.
I do not have a mansion, and I haven't any land,
Not even one dollar to crinkle in my hand.
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.
I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things,
But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings,
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.
Seven golden daffodils, all shining in the sun,
They light the way of evening, when our day is done.
And I can give you music, and a crust of bread,
A pillow of piney boughs to rest your head.