Update on story...
It´s going to be shorter than I though, but shortness doesn´t mean it´s bad, does it? sweatdrop
Anyway written 7 (+ Introduce) chapters and 8th one is almost ready. You may ask why it has taken so long to write almost 8 chapters... Well my motivation these days has been pretty low (I have had more things to do), writer's block and stuff like that stare
Anyway I have decided name for my story and I´ll reveal index so far

Chronicles of Shoren Asakura
Book I - The Castle

How everything began.. (11 lines)
Plan (10 lines)
Group I: Warm welcome (9 lines)
Group II: Only death awaits (11 lines)
Group I: Lets start the game (17 lines)
Group I: Welcome to second level (24 lines)
Group I: Third time tells the truth (22 lines)
Group I and II: Mission Rescue the princess (Incomplete but 12 lines already)

That´s all this time blaugh