I'm finding it a little challenging to find good ways of working with some of the students I'm currently working with in this long-term position at middle school level, especially my general music class. I want little kids! I like doing elementary general music. I find it so much easier personally to work with that age group, even with the sniffles and the whining and the tattling. I find it much easier to approach them at their level than I do with the junior high or high school student. And, I'm already running out of ideas, and this was just week one. I've got these same thirty students in general music for the rest of the school year, all the way until June. Sometimes I wonder why I find it so hard to work with them. Am I too nice? Too 'give them the benefit of the doubt'? I just don't know how to reach these students. And I'm afraid that I'm going to end up fighting them for the rest of the school year, and that's going to be exhausting. So, wish me luck, as I keep trying to figure this all out!