well actually right now one of them actually hates me ryt now because i wouldnt
come to her house and drop of her necklace well actually her bros. necklace
ok so now she hates me for that and now i just dont really know what to do
*sigh* so i guess theirs really nothing else today so im going to talk about
tommorrow well I have church tommorrow and stuff well actually we might go ice skating actually but my mom is being a A HOLE excuse me for my language and being all cocoooo bananas and saying i have work blahblahblah we cant go its cold and stuff so yeah im mad ryt now and stuff but what ever it dosent really matter to me anymore probalyim going to be EMO tommorrow just sitting int the corner and just all quiet and stuff im probably writing alot but not really ok yeah what else can i do or say ummmmm... stressed stressed ninja cry
ok so oh yeah when i was ridding in the car today i saw a hobo right walking and i have no i dea what he was oing he was sitting down on like a foot stole and pointing at random ppl and it scared the living foot outta me so yeah eek eek
do my dad stops the car to but a cigarette pack then i looke he was still sitting then next thing i know he was actually pointing at me and i thought he was going to come up to the car and shoot me or something hahahahaha
but snap it was freakin funny as blow pos hahaha mrgreen xp 3nodding
well thats all im going to right about today and i might right more tommorrow so goodbyebye ^^ see yeah in the next life buddies razz whee 4laugh heart