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View User's Journal

Um....ugh ******** this.
Escaping Shyness
A bitter place filled
With shadows and doubts,
Our candles shine dimly,
But no one notices
When they burn out,
Your voice is frozen
With fear,
You can not scream or yell
For someone to notice,
To light the flame again.

A bone chilling numbness
Begins to set in,
Yours eyes go blank,
Emotions became dull,
The piercing darkness becomes
Your good friend and mortal enemy
At same time,
Hiding your tears and pain.

Still the yearning for
The spoken word is strong,
You wish to escape
This endless twilight,
And to feel the freedom
Of being verbal.

But the shadows cling to you
Like a little child clings
To his favorite toy,
Trying to bring you
Back to its safety,
By reminding you
Of past failure
When you spoke to others,
And rejection was only found,
Telling you Doubts
And future failures
Will occur if you do not return.

Fight its influence!
The struggle will be hard,
But the reward will
Be gratifying,
You are fighting
To regain your voice,
From the hands of shadows,
Who only wish to
Cause you loneliness.

Look into the twilight,
However do not
Walk back to it
For a shield,
Or it will consume you again,
The battle will be painful
Even lonely,
In order to regain your freedom
To spoke,
You must first go through
The bitter, frozen darkness,
To find the words
That was lost to fear.

Cry if you must,
Scream if it makes you feel better,
Just do not return to the twilight
To be part of the shadows again,
It is waiting for you
To submit into the pain and fear,
Into its numbing open embrace.

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