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Kenneth's Thoughts/Story's
My journal basicly is going to be for putting on my thoguht, maybee taking to my firneds and getting out messeges, and mainly, I am going to use it to poat the story I am working on so far.
Some Profile Toying..
Name: Kenneth Hedin
Age: 18
Race: Used to Be Human
Weapons: Personally created and modified Longbow and Arrows in quiver on back. Two Long Personalized Combat Blades at sides. Steel'd adapted sandal's for heavy demadge with his Kick combonations
Abilities: He is able to talk and understand animals, and somewhat control them to an extent, depending on the animals mind and rage. He also has rare Hunter and Sniper Class abilites, Along with some Elemental Abilities.
Personality: Kenneth is a strong willed person, that is deeply loving and has a heart of gold. He has a lot of strengths, but only to protect the thing's he holds dear to him. He Is often a bit humours and a big romantic.He deosnt enjoy fighting unless the moment calls for it. He is Often misunderstood and sometimes he feel's hollow, but he trie's his hardest to always cheer those around him, and bring peace. He can be angered, and when he deos, watch your side's, back, and aboveyou. He is a wilderness man, surviving through the harshest conditions on whatever he can.
Bio: Kenneth Hedin used to be your typical, storng, avrage run of the mill human's. He was a travelling mercinary, on a quest of enlightenment. One day, he found himself talign to a crazy old amn, as he told of a tale about how to cheat death, and change reality as he knew it. It inrueged Kenneth Naturallu, his curiosity getting the best of him. However, on his journey's, the question of reality and wt lied past it strained his mind and soul to far, and the answer snapped it, Killing him and shattering his soul. He lied dead in the realm of Distorted reality for aobut 15 seconds. But in those 15 seconds, 10 years of torture and agony overpower him and broke him down so far the realm. He made a apct with the demons though, ofeering to send them more souls that wished to thrive, for his life back. He has been on a queast, ever since, finding any soul's that would join him and defeating any unholy demons that he came acrose, taking their souls to be judged, while ones offering would be grante passage through. he met the love of His life this way, and Has been Overjoyed since.
Appearance: Kenneth Hedin
Other: Kenneth Keep's the soul's trapped inside His shell, which looks and act's exatcly like a human body, but when It dies, he just slowly rises back up after a while to collect the rest of his debt. He has a rare necklace given to him to control the souls and Keep him alive, but if it was ever to leave him, the souls would try to take over or escape, and if it broke he would die. He Needed 26 demons, He needs to more, and to set free one special soul named Selariath.

Name: Isaac (Fix) Kouki
Age: 5012-though he can look however old he wants using his magic
Race: Time Magi
Weapons: An Ancient Magical Time Staff, that enhances his powers nd focusing, able to be summoned through time. Melee Combat
Abilities: Time Magic, able to manipulate the Fabric of time to his will such as slow, haste, stop, reverse, skip, quarter and half.
Personality: Isaac is a very humouraus and easy going person, even in a battle, keeping his calm and smiling. Death is an open hand to him always ready to embrace it, and never scared of anytihng. He is very romantic, having years of practice, and always interfearing with peoples affairs, trying to help and meddle where needed. He is a kind soul, a kid by heart, and extremely curious to learn anything new. He etnds to fall in short loves, not really ever commiting, letting the girl fall out and hurt him. If he ever got married, he would have to watch his wife die, or else constanlty rewind time, resetting other people coming clsoe to killing him.
Bio: Isaac grew up with his mother, learning Time Magic from his her. His father had decided that he had lived to long and let himself finally die just before Isaac was born. Isaac never greaved at the lost of a parent though. Instead he decided to meet him later but as a loved one, and a frined when he travelled back to meet him. He practised his abilities hard and worked on several diffrent forms in his life, shoudl the time arise when he would need a new fighting style. He Never did get around to going back to see his dad though. His mom later on in his life told him that his dad had died for a reaosn and said to tell him not to venture back. He had lost hope and promised that he wouldnt until he was to die. He still wait's for the one day that his life will end, or until he coould'nt bear the burden of life anymore. He nows wanders aroudn time, writing history to save as many as he can, still leaving some loss where needed... He has become known as a legendary hero of time, being said to pass on form one soul to the next in time of needs. He reall just kept playing in time though.
Appearance: Isaac Kouki
Other Isaac tends to have nightmares constantly, every night he sleeps, normally prefering to just revitalize himself so he deosnt need sleep. He is an insomniac except he controls it. H has survived many wars, being an experianced veteran in combat. He is known as a prophet to some, and keeps few frineds in certain time's, going to seem them when he needed advice or help.

Name: Ricardo Moita Valencia
Age: 23(Looks 19)
Race: Vampire
Weapons: Strong heavy Kicks and kickboxing, and 13 mm custom Pistol hand smithed and melted by the Royal Armories of the Vampire clan. It wasn't his to weild, but his old commadning officer gave it to him in his death, before he unloaded a clip into his enemy.
Abilites: He has expert vission, an almost eagle eye to him with deadly percision, as of all vampires. He has a great sense of hearing. He is fast and delicate, almost gracefull at everything he does, having been a dancer before, growing strong legs. What he lacks in war and fighting, he makes up for in skills and brains and black magic. He studied hard intohe black magic arets of the vampire.
Personality: Ricardo is a very open and talkative person, willing to say and do whatever it takes to get what he wasnt out of the conversation and find what he needs to and use it. He is a bit dark sometimes, and his his moods where he wishes he could just die.. over and over again.. He is a bit of a flirt, knowing deeply about passion, urges, and romance. He had wooed a many a girl as a human, and more still as a vampire. He can be srious of course, but loving passionate moments. He day dreams a great amount, often rememebring back to his days of Dancing and classes and teaching. He can be a bit stubborn, having a temper that could toppel a mountain on its side when needed.
Bio: Ricardo grew up in a poor family. No real future or plan of any kind and always triyng to put himself into work to help his family out sticking up for his little brother and fighting when neccasary. As he got older, he learnt of Passion and spanish dancing, taking classes and learnign to master both. He soon began to teach some of the students under the instructior, giving him time off, until he became ill and passed it onto him entirely. He was teaching a class when the new first blared acorss the radio. He was bitten a few years later while he was fighting off Vampires with a shovel to protect his family. But they got grabed from behind by werewolves and he got snagged and left alive to become a warrior. A few years into forced training and being starved for blood until he agreed to train as a vampire warrior and hone in on his skills. He soon mastered many skills, struggling in combat a lot tohugh, but excelling in his magic. He started to like beign a vampire..The power it gave.. the control.. The things that came with it.. It turned him on to love it...
Appearance: Ricardo
Other: None



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