Mood: D=< // =(
Song: Paramore - 2004 Demos
You Swallow Your Pride As Your Left Behind, Counting Stars To Name Your Lies, You Let The Rain Push You Away And Now Your Drowning In The Ways
You Threw Out The Trust I Put In You
I Climb, I Slip, I Fall, Reaching For Your Hands But I Lay Here All Alone
If I Could Find Out How To Make You Listen Now
Your lies are bleeding through your teeth
You promises never really meant a thing
Now I just feel horrible. It feels like two of my best friends are against me or something. I don't really know what I did to the them, though! So I was in a crappy mood yesterday; everyone gets that way. One of those people doesn't even really know whats happening!
Ok, let's say I'm person A. One friend is person B. The other, and my closest friend, is person C. Two other people will be D and E.
A: Can you sit with us [Us-A, B, D, and E] at lunch?
C: Maybe, I kind of wanted to see someone though
A: Oh, ok =/
-Later At Lunch-
C: I'm Here!
A: Hi...
B, D, E: Hi C!
-A Bit Later Into Lunch-
A: *In a crappy mood as is* *Looks at clock, waiting to leave, while eating lunch*
B: *Throwing food at people* *Switches A's food for hers*
A: >.> *Steals back food and returns B's food*
-A Bit Later Into Lunch-
B: *Throws food at A*
A: >.> [Thinking: Well, gee thanks.] *Mentally rolls eyes* *Throws food back* Don't waste the food... [Thinking: There's people suffering and starving in other countries...don't waste food like that...]
B: ...
-After Lunch- [A, B, D, E Have Same Class]
A+D: *Writing Notes To Each Other* [D was just wondering why I seemed mad or whatever, but I just honest didn't feel like smiling]
B+E: *Writing Notes To Each Other*
A: *Accidentally sees other peoples notes* [Thinking: Shoot, I wasn't supposed to see that note!] *Remembers seeing own name on paper* [Thinking: I can't believe they're talking about me. E would never talk badly about anyone...Did I really do something to them? What did I do?]
Teacher: A, please answer the question.
A: Uh, ok... *Flips page back* *Accidentally rips page* o.O
B: >.> *Laughing at me with rest of class*
A: Oops... *Laughing a bit, feeling stupid*
Teacher: *Smiling* Why'd you do that?
A: I don't know! It was an accident! *Goes on to answer question...Answer was only half right*
-A Little Later-
A: *Writes A Note To B Asking If I Could See B+E's note*
B: *Writes: Why?*
A: *Writes: Just Curious ^^;* [*Trying to keep mood light*]
B: *Writes: D=<*
A: *Writes: Sorry*
-End Of Class-
E: You should look in your jacket pocket
A: Why? [Hadn't worn jacket for whole class)
E: We put the note there
A: Oh, ok. Thanks
I read the note and I felt horrible. They got it all wrong, plus they were mad at me. Well, E wasn't, E would rather have no one fighting.
-At A Different Class- [A+B Have Same Class]
B: *Hinting A about note in A's jacket pocket*
A: E already told me...
B: Oh
A+B: *Writes Notes About Something, Never Helping The Cause*
And at one point or another, B told C about what happened, but it's her point of view so C doesn't know my said of the story.
Thanks for listening to...or reading problems. If you are worrying about me in any, thanks for your consideration. Please don't worry too much; this problem are minor compared to past experiences. Please feel free to comment. Advice would be wonderful and greatly appriciated
Community Member
Well, I'm not so good with advice but I'm glad everything turned out alright ^^ and don't worry, B and E will never be mad at you without you knowing why, also, they wouldn't be mad at you any ways since your so awesome! cool