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The king.....has returned.....THE GRAND FANALY! ^-^
Chad: Yea, the moment you've all have been waiting for. Info on the King Of Spades. me of course.
Q: Chad, shouldn't you let someone else do this? I mean, you are kinda known for streaching the truth a bit.
Chad: surprised I'm shocked to hear you say such things! I mean, come on. have i ever lied to.....
Q: neutral
Chad: .....ok, i see your point but still. I'm not gonna lie about this one. its all facts. no lies wink
Q: yea, well were is it then.
Chad: *hands it over to her*
Q: ...eww, why is it all sauggy and wet?
Chad: well i live in a hut down by the ocean, Duh rolleyes look, just upload the profile and then you'll know all you need to about me, and a little info on how the Deck of 42 came to be. mrgreen
Q: .... stare yea, sure. everyone is just dying to know.
Chad: I was thinking the same thing lil nikki. whee
Q: stare you know i hate that name.
Chad: alright Q-ball. don't get angry at me. i don't want you to blow a fuse. it just might cause a nuclear explosion.
Q: evil
Chad: lol ......... sweatdrop yea, well, lets just get to it shall we. 3nodding
Name: Chad Lorie Aka: King K.O.S.S (kid of sea shells), Mayor L, sea dog, Jeark, Smoothie, Joe Cool, son of a legend.
ocupation: Co founder of the Deck of 42, King Of Spades, professional sea shell collector.
Born: 7/7/88
Summery: Born in Wokola grove, an island iches away from town (literaly). Although its surrounded by an urban setting, the natives at Wokola keep the same old values as their ancestors, which means they still live in huts and everything is hand made. (although you would swear that they bought their clothing from the malls) they are completely protected by the swamp trees which searves as the village wall. no outsider has ever been, nor have ever notice the wokola swamp lands. to them, its just a bunch of tall trees growning from the ocean floor. the village never experiance weather change except for spring and summer. because of this, when a native from wokola leaves the village, they always find it hard to deal with the fall and winter elements. It is tradition that all youth of wokola must be able to surf inorder to be considerd a man. the better you surf, the more respected you are around the village. Chad's father is conciderd a ledgend, his ablities on the board has earned him the title of "The Sea Loin" (aka: the lone star ranger) and is even said to be better than "The Manador" who happans to be the one who originated the traditon of surfing long ago when his father, the founder of wokola andwas said to have birth the village with his bare hands (its a myth the elders had created, basicly he challended a raging sea and wased up on shore. he named the island wokola and called himself neptune) his father was named lonstar when he became first to ever leave the village and travel the globe, compeating in a viriaty of surfing and swimming compotitions. (it was said that he even swam across the pacific twice, none stop 3nodding ) During his adventures out at sea eventualy lead him to the island of honoloolooo, (that one place in hawaii, i can't spell it sweatdrop ) while there, he meet up with the most beautiful girl, (chads mother) Michel lorie, the siern of the sea. When she first met Leo (Chad's father's real name. the wokola people usualy abandon there real name once they learn how to surf. every surfer is mnamed or "ranked" based on their preformance out at sea) They fell in love instantly. He had never seen such a beauty before in his who life, ( although he is known to flirt with all females, and even calls them his girlfriend) they soon married and together gave birth to Chad,.....underwater. yea, the story goes like this. Leo was teaching Michel how to hold her breathe underwater for more than three hours and out poped Chad. right then and there, Chad learnd how to swim on his own, he managed to make it all the way to the surface on the back of a dolphin. Chad was born lucky, and had always managed to succed in nearly everything he ever put his mind to with ease,....well except for when it came to surfing. When a child is atleast 14 or their parents fell they're ready, the child enters a surf contest. its usually during the middle of posidens dance ( a period of time when the tides begin to increase steadely and create rapid aves for a long peroid of times). Chad entered this at adge 9 and has enterd every year since. this is because he's never able to stay on the board for no longer than 5 seconds. he almosted dies the last time. So after many failures he begain to seek outside help. therefore, he went to the libary to read up on how to surf. he even took personal lessons from his uncles, The Serpent and The blazing sea dog. he even got some poniters from his father but to no aviel. seenig that he was struggling, his mother advise that he should take up another hobby in the mean time. so he began to admire the shells that washed up on shore. his mother would help him create necklaces out of them and would sell them at the small shack they had set up on the beach. when he wasn't collecting shells, he went itno town to see what other kids his age was doing. While there, he developed a friendship with a girl named Q. he never knew what trigured it, but for some reason, she was in love with him. he didn't mind it much though. he enjoyed spending time with her. but one day, he had to move out of his parents old hut and stay at his uncles untill the new hut was built. somehow Q mistake this for him leaving town and he never saw her agian until years later. so while adventureing some more he came across a skating ring where he meet up with the disco king Chris Rockwells, who taught him how to skate like a dancing queen (who's only 17 xp ) as their friendship grew Chad ran into the most insaine person he'd ever ran across. jack! hanging around with him kinda reminded him of all the stories his father would tell him about his travels across the world. because of him, and with his mothers support, he came up with the idea of becoming an artist. But this was way to small to him. how could he get his message spread across to a more wider audiance? how will he be able to go about this? well one day while playing cards with Chris, he came up with the idea. "how about me and yo set up a deck of our own?" "What do you mean? you want to go another round of cards?" "naa, i'm talking about our own organization. just like how the cards are set up, a house for every suit. spades, hearts, clubs, and Diamonds. And we'll call it, The Deck." "The deck? are you jiving me?" "yea, you're right. hmmm. how about the deck of 42 then?" " If you down with it, i Can dig it. 3nodding " and thus, The Deck of 42 was born. they both took respnsablility in there own hands on forming the groups and members. Chad Acts as the suppervisor over all of the Decks opperations and constantly makes personale visits to each suits base. (although he dosn't get too involed in the Diamond family affairs since he and the rest of the Deck believes that they're with the mafia....which they are, but the others don't know.) While Chad is a busy body, he likes to keep the overall theme he had originated fo the deck, which is that everyone works in a rlaxed enviorment with no preasure on them what so ever. its because of this that th Spade empire is viewed as the most lazyist group in the deck. He feels its unessairy to over work yourself but if you were to see him, he does little to no actualy work, and takes more breaks than nessary. he does this only to make Q angery ofcourse. why? because he's found that Q is most crative in times of crisis and frustration. besides, he likes to lay back and watch the others in motion. to him, its like watching your son take his first steps over and over agian. but iroicly, as lazy as he is, he does work very hard. he gets most of the appointments ( jobs) for the Empire but never tells Q , and usualy finishes most of the work required. he lets the others do the rest of the work that he left out and makes sure everyone is enjoying themselves. (yea, even Q) . and thats CHad in a nutshell. Smart, resorceable, yet loves to goof off and chill out with his friends when he can because "you only have one life to live, so make the most out of it or be a sour rasin all of your life." biggrin
Chad: Man, I should rite an auto bio on me life don'y ya tink nick Kay?
Q: ........ stare dolphin? you learnd how to swim went you were 2 secounds old y riding on back of a dolphin?
Chad: 3nodding
Q: i knew it. you just can't help yourself can you.
Chad: just like you can't help but to fantizize about what color undies does Chico Che' wear. xp
Q: scream OH WHAT EVER!
Chad: yea, there it is, that twinkle in your eyes. ii just like light reflecting off of emerald stones. its beaustiful ya know.
Q: .....( redface ) ...just, just shut up already.
CHad: oh, still thinking about Chico huh? xp i got it stuck in your head now don't I
Q: * actualy is thinking about it* ....o, you...what ever.
Chad: 4laugh well, my work here is done. so from all of use at the Spade empire. See ya laterz mrgreen oh, yea. almost forgot. the others will be doing this sortly. but not anytime soon. so Skullz will finaly be able to access his journal agian, so then you two can talk about all the insaine junk that comes out of his head. lol he realy is a special fello that man Skullz. oh wellz, later days folk. cool

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