that girl from the last story is the main character. she has 3 blue diamond-shaped scars below her left eye, and a scar in her chest. So this girl wakes up and shes all chained to a big tree, and like "wtf". but then these two fiends (similar to harpies) come down from the sky and start picking at her skin. But then they hear a howl and one of em flies away, but then this white wolf thing with tiger stripes shows up and prounces on the harpie thing. lol. and then the girl freaks out because you know it looks pretty freaky.. and then it gnaws on the chains on the tree and shes like set free, but the wolf thingy kinda just disappeared. >_< but then this woman with pink hair passes by, and freaks out because the girl is awake, and she's been waiting a while for it to happen. she never minds the broken chains, but takes the girl to her huge cottage, where she meets a dude with horns named daiji. daiji is blind, but the girl doesnt know it wink lol anyway, the girl doesn't seem to remember any lifetime on earth, so as she gets to know the two, she troubles herself with why she doesn't know anything about herself. but one time she went outside just to go for a hike when a bunch of monsters just cornered her, but then the wolf showed up and took em all out. she realized it was protecting her, but couldnt figure out why she was so afraid of it. from then on, she was always being protected by this wierd wolf guardian, which she decided to name Fenrir. one time the pink haired lady (her name is mazzel) saw it show up when the girl was about to fall off a bridge over a river. she freaked out and attacked it, and it retaliated, leaving the girl helpless in not knowing what to do. finally she saw that mazzel was about to fall into the river, and knowing that mazzel was heavily afraid of water, she caught her and didn't let a single drop of water land on her. the wolf saw the girl's heart and disappeared. and it hasnt shown up for a long time. the girl would cry for weeks with minor injuries, trying to summon fenrir by deliberately being attacked by fiends of the wood. but no matter what she did, he wouldn't come. one time, she tried to jump off a cliff, but daiji held her arm before she could release her balance. fenrir did show up, but not where he would be visible to the girl, and he saw that she had people protecting her. also, she didn't know, but fenrir always came at night, to rest by the girl while she slept.
Finally, when fenrir did quit showing up, a while later (a few months), the girl was tired of being protected by the woman that won't bathe when there are witnesses, and by a clumsy boy that always 'forgets to watch where hes going' (remember, she doesn't know he's blind). lmao. anyway she demanded swordsmanship training from mazzel, and she agreed, easily. eventually, daiji wanted to learn to, but mazzel was a bit reluctant because she knew he was blind. but turns out that about two years later, daiji was already better than mazzel (omfg only 2 years!). he had come up with three different techniques by himself but the girl, none. mazzel nearly lost faith in the girl but one night, they traveled out to human land to be adventurous, and they got caught, so they were attacked, and the three were saved by the girl. she killed none, but her seriousness shocked the strength out of the defenders. lol. thats gotta be one creepy death glare. >_< anyway mazzel disliked entering human land, so she always stayed home while daiji and the girl (finally i introduce her name), arri are out at night, adventuring land they haven't found yet. once, the two were gone for a month, and when they came back, mazzel was not found, and the home was destroyed. they were definately scared, and didn't know what to do at first, but when the girl saw that there was a circle around the house area, with the inside being a dead carpet of leaves while around it, there was grass and mushrooms, her wonders were narrowed down a bit. It has to be someone that could use magic. but she knew mazzel could use magic, so it had to be someone that she knew. so Daiji and the girl went to the human land to search for mazzel, but they were being searched for, and were found, and attacked. Just when the girl's sword broke, a man in silver armor was about to take her head, when a man jumped in front and countered the sword with his double-end staff/javelin. to be continued razz
Shiroi Shimi · Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 07:01am · 1 Comments |