ok, so far this week has sucked...
1) I had to get a shot and got 3 instead, 2 of them my parents didn't even want me to get(2 in the left arm, 1 in the right).
2) I've been sick with a coldflu.
3) Their doing baptism for the dead ON my B-day(I love Baptisms for the dead, but I would rather have it on a day that isn't my B-day)
4) My bestest Mormon friend isn't coming on the Temple trip with us.
So far this week sucks!
One of the shots I got is the new one for women called Gardasil(or something like that). The dumb thing is giving me an allergic reaction. It's red, itchy, swollen, and it hurts were the injection took place. It hurts so much no one can touch my arm at all, I can't even move my arm around without it hurting(I have to type on the computer with my right hand only...). I have to go back to see the doctor about it today.
The dumb coldflu hurts! xp It's been everywhere lately! It's 2 sicknesses in 1!
Baptisms for the dead shouldn't be that bad, but it's on my B-day. I have to get up early on my B-day and then I'm going to go see a live theater show late at night. I'm going to be tired!
Oh my gosh! I am so upset my friend isn't coming. She didn't even get her recommend in case she changes her mind and wants to come. She's willing to go to Brianna's B-day party but not the Temple trip with me. The Temple trip is basically my B-day party because I apparently can't have one this year... My other friends(all the rest that are non-Mormon) can't even see me on my B-day. Most of them will probably be going to Brianna's party instead of even coming to see me to even say Happy B-day. The only friend I have that would come see me no longer lives in Arizona!
I hate this week when I shouldn't since my B-day is this week...
I want a hug, but I can't have one because of my shots. crying
Now for some crying blinkies...
In general, this is what I would look like if I was dressed
Ok, so the Gardasil shot I got... I had a HORRIBLE reaction to it. ALL WOMEN SHOULD NOT GET THIS DUMB SHOT!!!! I watched the commercial for it on tv and I had ALL of the symptoms! Itchy at injection sight, redness at injection sight, swollen at the injection sight, Dizziness, and Nausea! IT SUCKED! I WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSE TO GET THE DUMB THING! Because of it I gained a Staff Infection. It hurts badly. I'm also allergic to penicillin(which is the cure to the problem) so I had to get the alternative stuff and It's made me feel like I'm going to puke any second now.
On the up side I had a great B-day at the Temple! mrgreen
GAH! I'm done taking the pills the doctor prescribed, but now I have a HUMUNGO rash covering my ENTIRE body! I HATE THE GARDASIL SHOT! stressed
Sora Kyky · Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 05:33pm · 2 Comments |