WOOHOO! rofl rofl rofl
Special thanks to unknownprincess for selling me one for 210k. I had to sell off my Flame Sword and G-Blade to fund it, but it was oh so worth it. ^_^
Next, I'm going to quest a Mythrill Halo. Then it's just a matter of waiting for my bottle to evolve, and my dream avi is pretty much finished (I sold off the 1st gen one after the price dropped like a brick and bought a 6th gen to fund the Katana. I'll have to wait for it to evolve so I can get the Apocalypse pose back).
Boy, did Gaia get a lot of flak over Fausto's final stage. I think the various Fausto stages are some of the most beautiful artwork on all of Gaia. The final stage is the very definition of anti-climatic. Someone on the forums commented that it looks like a toothpick with a dead bird attached to it. I think that's a little harsh, but I expected something much better from the item than yet another sword.
Not that I have a problem with the final stage being a sword. They could have carried on the color themes and made the sword to match. Think of the Great Fairy's Sword or the Double Helix blade from Majora's Mask. Fausto's sword could have been such a beautiful item. It makes me worry as to the fate of the Hermes' Moon...
If the Moon ever goes up to 500k again, I'm selling it. I don't care how fully evolved it is or how much higher it goes. I'm not risking having the same thing happening again.
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