Valentine's was once again, a sad holiday for Miss.Lolo-sama. I always get sad at this time of year because I see everybody else with someone, and I am going to continue on, once again, without anybody. The good part though shows that I am not desperate however, because many people hook up with people and dances and after a dance or two, the couple has officially been claimed 'dating'.
I did however get plenty of gifts from my friends. Lots of sweets, cupcakes, éclairs, candies and chocolates. I swear my friends did that to tease me because I am dieting, but it is the thought that counts. =^^= I also got some sweet little valentines (Car-Car was a peach and brought back really old memories. She used one of those kiddy Valentine's day cards and got me a Barbie one! ^o^). Beyond that I also got a pretty pink carnation from Jen. I put it in water as soon as I got home, and it now sits on my dresser in a pretty blue vase.
Just because it was sad doesn't mean that it was entirely bad. Terry brightened me up by sending me a cute image of Lime form Saber Marionette J holding out a bunch of flowers and text saying 'Happy Valentines'. ^^
So I guess that even though I didn't have that 'special someone' to spend Valentine's with, I wasn't lonely or one hundred percent dissapointed! ^o^
Miss Lolo-Sama · Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 04:36pm · 1 Comments |